first kill

508 12 3

Natsu p.o.v)

New and Lucy were walking around in the mall when suddenly a loud "BAM!!!!!" was heard.

A gun shot.

I got a call from sting. "Hey. I want you an Lucy. Now."

" Yes boss! " I said. I pulled Lucy's hand and we got in my car.

~time skip, in stings office~

"Big brother!!!" Lucy said happily. I smile at her.

He smiles and says. I

"Lucy. I have assigned you your first mission."

" really!? " her eyes sparkled

"Yes really, kill this man."

" okay. What his name? "

"Lin mashaki"   (a/n I made it up.....😅)

"Does he have a job of so where does he work?"

" sub way. "


" No. "

"K k! Thanks sting! Love you bye!" She said and pulled my and and walked out.

When we got in the car I said, "plan?"

She smirked. And said "I'll make him think I like him. Ask him to come over, and ask him if we can have sex. Then I'll kill him."

I smile. "Good plan babe." I kissed her lips. She pulled back after 80 seconds.

"If you want you can watch me from a distance to make sure it goes smoothly. If you see something that looks wrong or bad text me." She says cooly

I chuckle at her. "Good Idea, will do."

" okay. Im going to have you drive me to subway. And I'll go inside you watch from the window in the back"

"Sure thing, boss" I smirk and say

I love this side of her. It's sexy

She walks in. I listen closely.

"Hi what can I get you?" He asks

"A date, I like you~" she purred

"O-oh ma'am im not sure about t-this..."

" oh come on~ it'll be fun~. I promise I'll make you feel good~" she smirks

"Oh...okay....I think your pretty hot too...."

She takes a napkin and a pin and writes

" 8270 celestial street, 7:00 p.m. " and hands it to him slyly.

Then she winks and walks out to leave the guy with a boner, and a blushing face.

I laugh, she's to good at this.

She walks out and motions for me to meet her in the car.

We get in.

I give her a high 5.

She laughs "the poor guy was so innocent!!" she says to me

" I don't blame him, a super sexy girl like you walking in and promising to give him a pleasurable experience...I would to! Although your the only one that could actually make me say yes"

She smiles at me


(Lucy p.o.v)

I heard a knock at the door, I give natsu a thumbs up, and open the door to see lin.

"come 'ere hun." I tell him.

He comes closer, and I hug him as his face goes into my bust. Good breathing tickling my sensitive mounds.

I grab his hand and pull him into the base ment.

I lay him on the bed. And unbuckle his jeans.

I know I don't have to, but one I have to make it believable, and two I want him to die a happy death.

So, I kiss him passionately.

And as were kissing I reach one of my hands down and rub him off and with my other hand I get ready with my knife behind his back.

Then we break the kiss I lean in his ear and whisper "sorry baby" and stab him in the back once.

Then he lays dead with the blood running all over.

I walk up stairs to see a patient natsu. He smirks when he sees the knife.

He kissed my forehead and says "I'll take care of the body. You go wash the knife, the bed sheets and your hands"

I smile. "Okay!" He went down stairs.

I wait for him to finish. He heads to my garage.

I go down stairs and pick up the bead sheets and through them in the washer, while adding bleach.

I pick up the mop and go clean up all the blood.

I come back up stairs and wash my hands, while cleaning the handle of the mop.

I then wash the knife.

(Natsu p.o.v)))))))

I went into the garage.

I pick up some cement blocks, rope and go into the house to get a garbage bag.

I put him in the bag, wrap the roles around him, and tie it to the cement.

I drive awhile to the nearest river.

I was on the bridge above it.

I looked around to make sure no one was there, then I pushed it over the railing.

And watched the body sink into the water.

I drive back home.

I see Lucy sitting on the couch I smile at her.

"You did good for your first time lucy. Im proud." I say to her

She smiles and kisses me.







Thanks for the follows!!

Word count: 822

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