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Lately I've been feeling so....ugh....I don't know. Whenever im around natsu im so happy!

Im so little scared to get intimate because of what happened when i was younger were taking it slow.

Natsu know a how I feel, so he's being careful.

Although....I kinda want to be intimate..

is that a bad thing?

Should I tell natsu?

Yeah...I think I should

I walk up to him. "Hey." He says. And I say " um... "
He looks at me.

"You know how I was scared to have sex with you?"

" Yes?? "

"Well, I think we should....ya" I look at the ground shyly.

He chuckles. "Like, now?" He's asks me

" I don't know, whenever you want to.... " I say.

"Tonight then" he says

"Hai!" I say back ( Yes in Japanese )


Okay! Next chapter is going to be my attempt at a lemon....I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Bye❤

Word count:164

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