protecting an unconscious wendy

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(This whole chapter is in Lucy's p.o.v. We'll get back to gale, miraxus, and gruvia in the next chappy. 😉)

As I looked around I focused on my breathing

I stood still


But at the same time,

Ready to attack at any given moment

They hurt my Wendy. She's like my sister. These monsters will pay with their lives....

"Princess I can't seem to find the man."

" it's fine virgo you did your best. Close your gate. "

" Yes princess "

She closes her gate

I closed my eyes once again

And focused on my breathing, and on the sound of the light breeze

Who ever is attacking me has speed magic.

But as long as I can hear the patterns of the wind I can tell exactly.....where he

My eyes snap open as I grab the arm that was inches away from my face.

And I smirk

The man looks shocked

And suddenly says "explosion"

And I get a sharp pain in my arm.

I now understand his magic

He has bomb magic and speed magic.

Although that wont do him well, since, im his opponent.

 " Gemini

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" Gemini. Explosion "

I hit him with his own attack.

His face seemed utterly shocked as he screams

That's what you  get for targeting Wendy you dick.

"Explosion" I say

Then he said "explosion"

" look. Any attack you try won't help I can do the same thing right back. " I explained

He hissed

I sigh

"Fine I'll give you a more....fair fight"

She takes some steps back

She takes some steps back

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" explosion XX00!! " the man screams

I use my gravity magic to dilute his attack.

I chuckle

He gasps

And I put my hand up.

And drag it down slowly

He seemed confused for a split second

But when he felt himself falling and getting crushed he soon understood my dress

Then I pushed hard enough to knock him out.

I take my whip. And wrap it around him.

And I dragged him back to the others and through him

As I said "I've had enough of that dick head."

Natsu saw me and smirked and chuckled at my actions

I just look at his opponent and smile while saying "need some help?'

" Nah. I'll call you if I do though. "

"Mmm kay!" I smile and look at a flying Charle she fits back down and I put Wendy on my back as she wakes up

" Lu-lucy? "

"Yes sweety it's Lucy. I wrapped you up. I took care of the guy that attacked you. And im getting you to safety now." I say sweetly

" No! I want to stay and help! " she yells

I smile at her

And say "okay. But. You have to stay by me. And only help me when I say to and if I say to run. You run into the forest to the road and hide. Got it?"

" Got it! And Lucy I wanted to ask you something after all this is done? " she asks

"Sure. Now let's go kick some butt!!" I said enthusiastically


Word count: 510_

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