short, white, hair

365 8 2

(There's a plot twist at the end.)

Natsu p.o.v

We were on the airplane.

Im not exactly sure where were going.

Sting just told Lucy the name of the flight not the destination.

Lucy fell asleep on my shoulder.

I thought it was the most adorable thing ever and, every once in a while she would mumble a little 'natsu...' In her

Once the plane stoped I shook gently and she woke up.

I grabbed her hand and lead her out of the plane.

Once we were out I put her in my back so she could sleep more.

I saw levy inside and she smiles and took a picture of us. "Welcome to hawaii!!!" She cheers.

She leads us to her car. I put luce in and buckle her up.

Then I walked around the car and got in myself.

As levy was driving she said "so, we got both of you swim suits. There on your beds. And this is where we will all stay!"

 And this is where we will all stay!"

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Natsu and Lucy's room^

Natsu and Lucy's room^

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