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(Natsu p.o.v)

We all sat in a circle. "Lucy please explain."

Lucy was shaking. So I put her in my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist. She calmed down a bit.

"It all started when I was 8. I was sitting in my room listening to music. When my dad walked in. He was drunk. And told Lucy to take off her clothes. I thought he bought me a new dress or something....but he pushed me on the bed. And kissed me. And then kept going...And I don't have my virginity anymore." She explained. Her face red, and she cried.

"Lucy when that thing with the pool happened, I texted the guys not too look down there. I told them to look at either your face, or right over your head, so that's what they did" I told her softly.

"T-thank you, n-n-natsu." She sniffles.

I hug her tightly.

The guys smirk.

"It looks like you aren't just her body guard natsu." Jellal said

" yeah natsu, what is your relationship with lucy-chan? " Levy asked.

"Im just her body guard." I assured them.

They guys rolled their eyes "yeah, sure" gajeel said as he scoffed.

"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with lucy!" Gray suddenly said.

Lucy's eyes widen. And she looks up at me.

I sigh. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the closet.

We sit inside it. I say "lucy?" " Yes? "   "im sorry all of that happened. Does sting know about it?" " No, you guys are the only ones I've told. It hurts because I wanted to give my virginity to someone I love. But, I guess that didn't happen... "

I kissed her forehead. And said "im sorry. I have my virginity to someone I didn't love either. It was a girl named lisanna..She was my girl at the time. But I got drunk..And had a one night stand. After that I realized I didn't love her."

She hugged me. I hugged back. She mumbled an "I love you.."

" what did you say? " I ask. "Nothing?" She said confused .

I said " did you say you love me? " she looked up at me. "Um...maybe, maybe not." She said. " will take that as a 'yes'" I whisper in her ear.

I push her against the wall gently.

And I kiss her lips softly. She kissed back.

I licked her lips for entrance. She declined.

I growl. I lightly move my hand under her shirt.

She gasped. I stick my tounge in her mouth.

She softly moaned. I pulled away.

I smirk at her.

"7 MINUTES IS UP!!!" Levy barged in.

She sees the distance between us and frowns.

" you didn't do anything? "   "nope"  I pop the 'p'.

"Okay girls let's go change into pj's!" Lucy says.

The girls walk into the bathroom.

They come out. They all look adorable, especially Lucy.

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I smile at Lucy's outfit it was so her

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I smile at Lucy's outfit it was so her.

i must admit...this chapter was alittle...messed up, sorry Word count:511

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