training pt:1

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Natsu p.o.v))))

"Su..tsu....atsu...natsu~" I heard but I refused to open my eyes

"Natsu please wake" She breaks the sentence and adds some shuttering.

I shoot up. "LUCY!?" I yell. I turn to see her smiling at me.

"Were starting training today. Go take a shower and go downstairs. Me and Mira are going too cool breakfast for everyone."

I shoot up and run to the bathroom.

~15 minutes later~

I jump out and change into my normal poofy pants, black sandles, and one sleeved vest. 

I walk out to see lucy standing in the other side of the bar and wearing this:

I walk out to see lucy standing in the other side of the bar and wearing this:

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I love that outfit on her!

Then she turns around and smiles "hey hun! Im gonna go wake up Mira and everyone else. See you in a sec!" She runs out

I didn't even get to say anything.

Oh well. -_(°^°)_-

Lucy p.o.v))))

I walk down the porch steps and down the dirt road I made thanks to my Scorpio form!

First house is levy and gajeel

I walk up to it and knock on it saying "time to get up! Change, and get to my house just walk in and sit down. We're gonna start training today!! And im making breakfast!" I hear shuffling inside and hear an 

" okay lu~chan. *yawn* "

I smile and walk across the road to Wendy's

I knock and say "wake up wendy! Change and go to my house for breakfast! We're starting training today. "

Then the door opens to reveal charle in her human form.

"Hello child. I have woken Wendy she is getting ready now."

" Okay! "

And with that I walk next door to canas.

I knock and hear


" change and get to my house for breakfast. We're training today! "


I walk down to mira's across the road.

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