a gang?

758 20 2

Lucy p.o.v

"Hello lucy, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Erza says and does slightly .

"Hi Lucy! You have a lovely house!" Juvia said.

"Hi lu~Chan!" Levy yells across the room.

" Hi,guys! " I say excitedly.

"Lucy.. Can i talk to you for a second.." Erza asks politely .

"Sure!" I say, walking her to the door.

We step outside.

"Lucy, in erza scarlet, leader of the student council. I know everything, about everyone. And I know where your brother is." Erza says.

My eyes go wide, brimming with tears.

"Is he okay?! Where is he?!" I ask

" he's in a gang. " she answers.

"A gang?" I ask, questioning.

"Yes, the hang is called 'dragons', because the people in that group have dragon powers. You have a power to lucy. You,  just don't know how to unlock it and you need the right keys to use. " erza says. (A/n Get it?! The right keys?)

"Erza..please, help me find my brother! I have no one! I need him!" I say, pulling on her arms.

" alright. Go into your mom's room... " erza says

"What? Why?" I ask

" there will be a set of keys. 12 keys to be exact. They are gold and open the gates of the zodiac, you need them. " erza says.

I sigh, nod, then walk down the hall.

I open their old door.

And my heart beat stops then I look in a direction.

It picks up again.

It's like my heart is telling me where to go...

I walk in that direction.

I see a stand, on the stand is 12 good keys and some silver keys.

With a light shining over them.

I reach out.

And touch them.

I take them.

One they are in my hands, I feel a strange sensation taking over from my head to my toes.

I smile.

Then I smirk.

Then a few words pop into my head randomly.

"Open! Gate of the maiden, virgo!"

Word count: 330

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