stage 2

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Narrators p.o.v))))

It was now stage 2 of mating season.

Natsu and Lucy were out training

When gray cake up to Lucy asking about how to get juvia and why she was so quiet

Lucy said she dosent know when suddenly natsu comes up too them

And growls at gray saying 'get away from my girl'

Gray just shrugs and walks away

When he's gone natsu jumps on lucy.

She smiled

~1 day later~

Mira, and cana were constantly talking to natsu.

Lucy was getting mad.

Really mad

But they only talk to him when Lucy is somewhere else

But when ever she comes back she can smell their scents

It's been bugging her

So this time Lucy wasnt leaving natsu at all.

So when cana passed by Lucy growled

Natsus eyes widen at Lucy's behavior

Then Mira walked by Lucy growled again

And jumped on natsus lap, straddling him and nuzzling her face in his neck

Every time she got a female scent she would growl in natsus ear because her face was by his ear sense she was nuzzling him and enhaling his scent


" Mmm? "

"Why are you acting like this?"

" Mating season. Duh. "

"I know. But your being really weird...? Is there a reason you get mad when Mira and cana get near me. You don't have a problem with Wendy or erza..."

" Wendy is too young, and if I growl at erza she'll kill me"

"Oh that makes sense."

Lucy hummed in response and continued hugging, and nuzzling

Natsu thought Lucy was being too adorable

"Lucy why don't you go get us food!" Natsu suggested because he needed to stretch his legs.

Lucy growled at the idea

And looked up at natsu and said " no! "

Natsu just chuckled

Then rogue walked by and natsu growled

Sting came up to the couple

But natsu had no problem because that is Lucy's brother

"She's not letting go huh?"

"'s kinda annoying. " natsu jokes

Lucy growled

Sting chuckled

"Mind if I hang out? Im bored."

" sure "

"So Lucy? How's natsu treating you?" Sting asks

" like a princess. " she responds

Natsu smiled

Then juvia walked by natsu

Lucy growled again

"Hey natsu! Gray was wanting to talk to you." Juvia stops

Lucy growled

"Where is he?" Natsu asked

" in the hot spring " juvia responds

"Luce. Please get off me gray needs me. And you can't come in the boys got spring"

Lucy growled loudly at natsu

"Please luce!"

Lucy growled again

"Pretty please....?" He gives puppy eyes

Lucy whimpers

Natsus heart breaks at the sound


"......fine...." She whimpers

" thanks luce! "

She growled again

"Go before I change my mind" Lucy says

Natsu runs off.

Lucy is left with her brother

Lucy p.o.v))))

"Are you okay? I know it's mating season and it hurts."

" Im...okay? I guess. I just really want to be with natsu. "

"I can see that."

" I really want my natsuuuu~" Lucy whines

"I know I know....can I have a big Lucy?"

" Why? " Lucy cocks her head to the side like a puppy.

"Because I missed you lil sis."

" Oh. Okay!! " Lucy replied happily

She walks up to her brother and wraps her arms around him

He sighs

Then Lucy heard a growl.

Natsus growl.

Sting whispers in Lucy's ear "pretends you didn't hear him I want to see his reaction."

Lucy smirks and continued hugging

Then natsu pulls Lucy away from sting

"I know you heard me growl lucy. Your a sound dragon slayer." He hissed

Lucy gulps

Then had an idea

She jumps in natsu and said "im sorrys~. I loves yous natsu~ my natsu~" she nuzzles him

" that ain't gonna cut it luce.... "

"Pwety pwease!! Im sorrys!" Lucy whimpers and looks natsu in the eyes and gives him puppy dog eyes

He then feels guilty and wraps his arms around her too. She sighs in content.

And smells his scent

Sting chuckles in the background

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