
622 13 3

Natsus p.o.v))))

It was 8 at night.

I walked up to Lucy and whispered in her ear. "Don't you have some sexy langerè. From erza you could wear?" And I walk away.

I was happy she gave me permission to have sex with her.

This is a big turn in our relationship.

It means she trusts me!

I was so happy.

Lucy grabbed the bag and walked into the bathroom, locking it behind her.

Lucy p.o.v)))))))

I grabbed the bag and locked the door behind me.

I shave  my legs really quickly, I pot on lotion that smells like vanilla. I brush my teeth with cinnamon toothpaste, and put on the langerè.

The langerè, was a black bra with blue swirls, and a good band on the stomach, and the underwear had the same pattern.

(There is a picture of it at the end of the chapter😏)

I walk out, shyly.

He smirks at my appearance.

I sit down on the bed only to be pushed down onto my back..

Natsu was on top of me.

He's kisses me passionately. I kiss back of course.

His hands reach behind my back and up to my shoulders.

He then goes down a little bit. And un buttons my bra. Pulling it off in the process...

I look at natsu. 

He looks at me then at my boobs. "Oh my god...their HUGE!!" He exclaims.

"S-stop staring p-please"

I gently kiss her left breast

And suck on her nipple.

Making her moan..I stop when I hear it.

"Make that sound again." I say and suck on it again thinking it will cause her to Make that sweet sound.

"N-nat--su~" she moans again.

I spread her legs, grabbing her thighs.

I kiss just above the line of her underwear, and bite the band at the top of her underwear.

And lightly pull it down.

Once they were off completely, I kiss her entrance.

She was soaking wet.

She was blushing worse than erza hair.

Its adorable!

I look up at Lucy "im going to put my tounge in...And eat you out, okay?"

She nods 

I stick my tounge in watching her reaction.

Her mouth gaped slightly.

She moans in ecstasy. "Natsuuu~"

I close my eyes and enjoy hearing my girlfriend's beautiful moans of pleasure.

"Natsu~ this feels so....gooddd~ im gonna~ cu-cum~~"

I could feel her walls tightening.

Then her back arches.

And her breath heightens.

"Aaaa~~~~" she moans.

Her cum squirts into my mouth and on my face.

I smile and lick up whats left around her entrance.

I sit up and take of my boxers. "Are you ready?"

" Yes"

"this is gonna hurt Lucy. "

I position my self at her entrance and push in the head.

Her face scrunched in pain, and tears brimming her eyes.

I push a little more in.

She squeezes my hand.

I kiss her forehead.

And she says "you can move n-now" I nod.

I pump in and out.

I watch as small strings of Lucy's blood envelopes my penis.

She moans in pain and pleasure.


After another 10 pumps I hear a "f-faster~!!"

" Beg. "


"" I say

"P-please, nasty~ it feels so good~ please go faster~!"

I smirk. "Sure baby"

I pump in and out at a faster pace.

She moans as her back arches.

After  another  19 pumps.

She cums in my penis. And I cum in her.

She lays down all the way. Both of our hearts beating like we both ran a marathon.

I wrap my arms around my panting girlfriend a kiss her forehead.

We fall asleep, with our hearts as one

We fall asleep, with our hearts as one

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Was it good?  I hope so...I tryed....sorry if it wasnt...

Word count: 634

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