beach vacay?

395 8 5

(LUCY p.o.v))))

I answer the phone call.


" hey sis, I know you've been under south of stress lately so  I got you tickets to a beach resort! "


" Yes sis. Pretty much everyone is there except Romeo he had to stay here. "


"Well, get your ass up and start packing!!!"

"Okay okay!"

I get out of bed to see natsu asleep beside me. "Natsu....."

He didn't wake up. so I whispered in his ear

"natsu~ you have to get up~ I made breakfast and I have a suprise~~"

Natsus eyes immediately opened and he got up.

"Breakfast? Where?!" Her asked

I just giggled and said "I didn't make it yet. What do you want?"

" Waffles....with whipped cream and strawberries! "

I smile at him. And wraps my arms around him.

"Were leaving. We're going to the beach. For a vacation." I whisper in his ear.

His face lit up and he ran around the room. To start our packing.

"Natsu? Can you pack my stuff too since I have to make breakfast and were leaving right after?"

" sure hun! "

"Thank you~" I cooed. And I kissed his cheek .

I walk into the kitchen to make.....waffles!!!

After a little bit im done and he comes out with my purple galaxy suitcase and his red flame suitcase.

Then he holds up some clothes. "What's this?". I ask him

" it's what your going to where to the beach. I picked it. "

I smile warmly. And jump into his arms.

He smiles widely and wraps his arms around me to keep me from falling.

I jump off of him and hand him a plate.

He sat down at the table and started to take a bite.

Once he took it he stared at me. "I-is it that bad?" I ask him disappoint waking over me.

Then he walked up to and kissed me passionately I was so confused but I kissed back anyway.

Then I pulled away for breath

"why...did.. You kiss me...?" I ask him in confusion

He smiles warmly at me

"It was so good that I was speachless, so to show my gratitude I kiss you as passionately as I could." He said cutely

I just smiled at his antics.

"Okay. Keep eating of its that good." I smile at him

He nods happily and say down at the table while judging on it.

I sat down next to him and he put the fork up to my mouth.

In open my mouth and he puts it in gently so it doesn't stab my cheek

I bit the fork and pulled it off.

He pulled the fork out of my mouth and rested is hand on his chin while smiling.

As he waited for my reaction.

Then i chewed it. And I was surprised it tasted really, incredibly good!

His smile just got brighter as he saw my reaction.

He finished the plate and said "wanna take a shower with me? Then we can actually get dressed and leave."

I nod and smile.

We walk hand in hand as we walk into the bathroom


Okay. We're taking a break from fairytail...even though we  only watched 2 episodes. It honestly makes me mad. Because I can finally hang out with my siblings and do something I want to do. My siblings say 'okay, sure' and then after two episodes they get bored . HOW CAN YOU GET BORED SOMETHING WITH ENDLWSS FIGHT SCENES!?!?! AND FAIRY TAIL IS AN AMAZING PEICE OF ART. HOW DARE YOU?!
!?! that's how I feel.

Word count:596

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