make love to me

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This is a lemon. As you probably guessed because of the title...

Natsu p.o.v)

I was sitting on Lucy's bed as she was sleeping, suddenly I hear her moan in her sleep

'n-natsu~" what. The. Fuck?

Then she opened her eyes.

"Oh, good morning~" she slurred out.

She's so cute when she's tired!!!

"Good morning sexy" I say

She cocks her head to the side like a puppy.

"Why'd you call me that?" She asks me cutely

I leaned into her ear and said " oh don't pretend you didn't dream about us~? " as I lick her ear lobe.

She shivers, making me smirk in satisfaction.

"H-how did you know~??" She asks me while her face is like a cherry

" I heard you moan my name in your sleep hun" I whispered in her ear once again

" Oh.... " was all she said

Then she put her hands on both sides of my head making me look at her directly.

Then she said

"make love to me"

I grinned from ear to ear.

I pushed her in the bed.

Then I said "open the gate of your panties"

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Then I said "open the gate of your panties"

She was blushing madly

I took off my shirt.

And took off hers

Then I groped her left breast while I kissed and licked her neck as I heard her sweet moans

"hmmm~ natsu~"

The way she said my name made me blush slightly

I love this women so damn much and I swear no one can change my mind.

Then she kisses my lips passionately, I kiss back with no hesitation what so ever.

She pulls back and unhooks the back of her bra

I slide it off of her.

And I grope and kiss each one.

I could practically smell her arousal.

I chuckled in amusement when I pulled off her pants to reveal her soaked underwear.

She blushes and looked away.

I smile at her "make sure you never get This wet when your around another guy....wait--scratch that! Make sure your not even close to wet!!"

She blushes and says " I wouldn't even dream of it, and if I was in a situation where I could possibly get wet I already know you would be ready to kick some ass! "

I nod and grin from ear to ear.

Then I kiss her soaking entrance.

She arches her back in pleasure.

And I smile as I stick my finger in her.

She moans.

I grin wider as I see her facial expression change.

Then I take off my pants and my underwear.

I look at Lucy and say "okay...this might hurt a bit sense it's only your second time...but it won't hurt as much as the first, I promise." She nods.

I stick it in her.

Her face went from pain to pure ecstasy in a matter of seconds. I chuckled at her.

She smiles at my laugh.

And I start pumping in and out.

After the 23 pump she came.

I came inside of her.

Her eyes went wide.


" relax luce! We're both 20. It's legal and I already know if you get pregnant I'll be so happy you'll think im insane! "


I checked the time.

It was one in the afternoon.

I kissed her cheek.

"why don't you go get in the shower babe?" I ask her

She smiles at me. And nods "sure thing."

" oh and im gonna go to the store. To get some stuff for the house I shouldn't be gone long! "

She nods again "okay. Be careful!"

" I always am babe. "

I walked out and got in my car.

I was actually going to get a pregnancy test.

Just in case.

But I won't be giving it her right away though.

I'll save it.

Eh, since in here might as well but actual food....


Word count: 641

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