
296 9 1

Natsu p.o.v)))))

I was going through my newest messages for jobs

Hm....murder, arson, murder, murder, steal, torture, kidnap...ugh.

So boring....

My mind couldn't help but go back to what lissanna said about Lucy

is she really a princess?

Is she really a dragon slayer?

As I approached her I heard her breath

But the more I listened to her breath the more I thought

Her breathing sounded like harps...


Then all of a sudden she muttered ""

It took a minute to put it all together since she took long pauses between each word.

But I guess she was talking to her mom, about her being a princess and about Leo and Aquarius.

But what was thank urano metria?

Suddenly she smiled in her sleep and warm tears fell from her eyes.

The tears sparkled like shooting stars.

Then her body began to glow.

And heard she opened her eyes.

And said

"Get everyone here. Now. I have urgent News."


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