girls only: not a chapter

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Okay girls.

Something seriously embarrassing happened.

Okay, so I woke up at 1 am on the morning because I had a nightmare and the lights weren't working (im afraid of the dark...) And I was freaking out.

I didn't want to wake up my parents for a technical difficulty.

so I walked into my kitchen. No one was in it. And I grabbed my I pad. Then I booked it back to my room.

My house is super creepy at  night.

So I stayed up till 6 am. And my mom came to wake us up because my siblings usually go to summer school. 

I explained to my mom that nightmare and I was paranoid. And she said "im sorry baby." And then I went to take a shower because I was still reaaalllllllyyyyy tired.

so as I was taking of my clothes I realized I felt wet down there.

I was thinking 'oh okay. This is normal I mean it happens to everyone' so I take off my underwear and I see a HUGE blood stain.

And im out of pads. And im scared to try tampons.

So. I feel like hell.

sorry guys I needed to rant.


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