sleep over!

570 17 2

(Levys is in this chapter and that's what she is wearing ☝)

(Lucy's p.o.v)))))))))))

I was chilling in my room. While natsu was taking a shower.

I was I put on fallout boy, and wrote in my book.

I wrote "as she walked in the forest she encountered a tree. This tree was black, and looked burnt or charred. She heard a faint growl. She turned around and came face to face with a giant, red, Dragon."

Natsu walked in. "Hey lucy." " Hi natsu, so I was you wanna invite some of your friends over? I can invite some of mine. And we could have a sleep over? It's kinda boring being alone with just you... "

He nodded, "sure, I'll text some people."

(Natsu invites, gray, jellal, gajeel)

(Lucy invites, juvia, erza, levy)

Natsus p.o.v)))))))))

I text gray real fast and say " sleep over, my new place, 8920 celestial street. Other girls will be there to btw. " he responds "whatever. Im packing now be there in...35?"

Then I text jellal "Hey man! Im having a sleepover with my new client? Im her off guard. Wanna come? 8920 celestial street. Other girls will be there too btw." I send. He meows responses " sure, ill be there in..15? "

I text gajeel, "Hey. Sleep over. My house. 8920 celestial street, others girls will be There...including my new client. In her bodyguard." I sent . He text back. "On my way."

(LUCY P.O.V))))))))

I quickly text my bffs.

Juvia first, "Hey juvs! Wanna come to my sleepover? 8920 celestial street. There will be some guys here too. Maybe some😏" I send her. She replies . "K. Im on my way. The drive is like....10 min."

Next is levy. "Hey lev!! Sleepover!! You know my address. Some guys will be there too btw. See ya!❤" I send. Shes typing.... "Okay....maybe 15 mins till I get there?"

Last is erza. "Hey erza!" " Hi" "im having a sleepover. Wanna come?" " Sure. " "great! 8920 celestial street. some guys will be there. " "k. On my way"

Now that that's over with. I suddenly have the urge to hug natsu. I stare at him. He looks up at me. I look away quickly, feeling my face gets up in embarrassment. He chuckles. I hide under my blankets.

I feel my bed sink in a little meaning he's sitting on my bed.

I park my eyes out to see him smirking. I sink back under the covers.

He lays next to me. And wraps his arms around my waist. "N-natsu?" He smiles at me. " I wanted a hug is all. " he gets up.

I kinda liked when he did that....

~time skip: 15 minutes~

Some guys with raven hair is here, so is erza. The raven guy looks at me and smiled softly. "Hi." I say

" Hey. What's your name? "

"Lucy heartfilia, you?"

" gray fullbuster. " he smiles. "I knew your parents...I know about what happened. Im sorry. "

"You knew my...parents? How?"

He took out a key chain and showed my a picture that was attached to it. It was of me and gray playing in my back yard.

I look up. I remember him now. He hugs me. I hug back.

"Oh. Gray?"

" Yes? " he breaks the hug.

" that's erza scarlet! One of my best friends! " I say happily. Erza smiles. "Hello." She says. " Sup. " they greet each other.

~another 15 minutes later ~

Everyone was here. We all were getting ready to play truth or dare. So I started. "Levy....truth or dare." She looked scared. " t-truth"   " when was the last time you fantazied? "  "um..........yesterday". I giggled. "Okay I'll leave you alone now."    

" Erza! Truth or dare!? " Levy said enthusiastically


levy giggled. "Kiss the most attractive guy in the room."

Erza blushed slightly. She kissed jellals cheek. He was sitting next to her.

"Natsu truth or dare?" Erza asks.

" Dare"

"Jump in the pool, fully clothed."

" ......fine. " he got up. Every One was giggling.

We follower him. I got my phone out and took a picture. He was in the water. Her got out his hair sagged in his face and his teeth chattered.

We all walked back up stairs. Laughing. He changed. Into another outfit. Really just some swear pants and a t shirt.

"Gajeel truth or dare?" Natsu asked.

" Dare. "

"Kiss levy on her lips. For 5 seconds."

His face became red. He got up and kisses levy. I counted down. He got up and moved. "Lucy truth or dare."

" "

"Take of your shirt. and let natsu draw on you with a marker."

My face could rival erzas hair. I hesitantly took off my shirt...

The guys faces became bright red.

The shirt was in the ground. I handed a marker to natsu. "Lay down" he said.

I layed my back against the carpet.

He drew a slowly. jellal spoke up. " This is kinda hot"

They all nodded.

He drew a smiley face. I put my shirt back on. And blushed.

"Im adding a new rule." Natsu said. " this will mostly suck for the girls. " we all froze. "Every time you say 'truth' you have to take of a piece of clothing off." We all looked at each other.   " Levy since you already said truth...come on. " Levy took off her socks. I giggle. She smiles triumphantly.

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