here comes zeref...

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Lucy and end were snuggling on the couch and Lucy was falling asleep, do too ends heightens  heat.

When there was a loud bang.

Lucy jumped

And end growled

He tilted Lucy's head to hers..

"Zeref is here..and,I forgot to tell you that....if I kill zeref..which is my job, then I kill natsu...And im sorry I have to do this but if I don't then everyone on earth will die..."

Lucy's tears wouldn't stops falling.

Natsu is back, he smiled at her

He lifted his scarf and put it around her neck.

He put a spell on it quickly.

It would always smell of natsus scent....

Cinnamon, and bond fires.

Lucy snuggled into it.

"Natsu. I might be able to bring you back after... i am a celestial mage after all..."

" You can try. I'll be touring for you luce..I love you..stay in here...And I'll telepathically tell you when Im done and you can revive me...okay? " he smiled weakly

She continued crying "ok--ay..."

He kissed her cheek and rushed outside as he let end take control.

Lucy sat inside and stared at a picture of natsu on her bed side

She  continues crying as she invisions her boyfriend, dying....

Her tears falling, gracefully, onto the the carpet, and her face turning red, as she cried.

Natsu could practically feel her tears.

He could feel her sadness.

And he knew that her tears just meant that she cared

After about 30 minutes of fighting natsu was disappearing


Natsu. Im coming!

I love you and I know you'll figure out how to get me alive again...

I see her run out to me, as tears falling down her face and into the ground.

She kneels next to me

I look around to see all of our friends, looking at Lucy sympathetically, or some were crying

"Luce...I love you..."

" Natsu!! Please! No no no! Please stay here with me! " she exclaims

I smile weakly and I see my eyes close

The last thing I hear is



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