oh god

545 16 44

(Lucy's p.o.v)

We all went to sleep in different rooms.

Natsu slept with me.

I was still crying.

Natsu hated watching me cry, I could tell because of his eyes.

He wrapped his arms around my waist. And snuggled me closer.

I whispered sweet things in my ear like. "Your so strong"

"Your beautiful" " your amazing" "Your perfect" "Your so strong going through all that." I fell asleep in his warm arms, and fell into a sweet abyss of dreams.

The next day I woke up.

To natsu kissing my cheeks. Left right, left right, left right, then stopped when he realized I was awake.

"Good morning beautiful"he said. I blushed. " good morning... "

He said "I have an idea" "What is it?" We looked each other in the eyes and nodded.

We opened everyone's doors. And went into the kitchen grabbing pots and pans.

" 3....2....1....go! "

and we banged the pans together.

Laughing as we listened to the screams of my friends..

Gray was the first to come out. He was pissed! "Don't be a stink in the mud! Here!!"

I handed him some lids. He shrugged and banged then together too.

Juvia came out and walked passed me and to the kitchen she came back with some medal spoons.

We laughed.

Levy and gajeel came out. They got a giant pot and some wooden spoons. And hit it together.

Jellal came running out yelling "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!"

We looked at eachother. Our eyes widen. " Erza"  we all say at the same time. 

We run. It was...fun...but terrifying at the same time. Just like playing tag

Word count: 282

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