doctors news

380 10 2

Natsu p.o.v)))))

I was in my car.

We  were arriving at the hospital.

I took out my keys.

And opened my door, as I heard Lucy's door close.

She walked up too me. And we looked at each other.

I grabbed her hand she smiled weakly and held my hand

We continued walking.

We open the doors and go to the clinic.

As we arrive I notice Lucy looks nervous.

so I squeeze her hand in reassurance.

She looks up at me and smiles.

After about 10 minutes...

We hear "lucy heartfilia?"

I look at her.

She looks back at me

" can I come too?' I ask.

The doctor smiles and says "sure. I take it your natsu dragneel?" She asks me I smile and nod.

Once we are there, she asks me "how long ago was it that you too had sexual intercourse?" She asks me

"About...a week ago?" I answer.

"Okay. Lay down hun." She says to Lucy

She lays back and I grab her hand.

The girl pushed up Lucy's shirt.

"This might burn a little..." The doctor says

Them she puts gel on Lucy's stomach.

Then the doctor smiles

" you can get pregnant. However I would be cautious of I were you. "

"Why?" I ask.

" you both possess very powerful magic and if you sent careful the baby can absorb Lucy's magic energy....however since she isn't pregnant now. I would keep trying and take these pills. They give the baby it's own magic. If you get pregnant then your baby will most likely have dragon slayer magic because celestial magic can only passed down of you out a spell on the baby. Natsus will pass down thanks to genetics. "

"Oh...okay. Thanks for the info..." I say

She smiles "No problem"

" here Lucy " she hands Lucy's a pill bottle and the bottle was purple.

"Take one every two days, bye guys!"

She walks us out and closes the door.

I smile at Lucy she looks relieved! And happy!

Yay! I still can be a dad, and when I have a baby it will have my magic!


Word count: 356

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