not-so, one night stand...

485 13 1

Natsu p.o.v)))))))

I wake up to see Lucy next to me. I move a strand of hair out of her face.

Then I realize she had no clothes on. Neither did't tell me we, had sex! O-O

"Mm.....n-natsu?"she says " Yeah? " I ask

"Why are we naked..?" " think we "

"Oh..." I


"WAIT...WHAT!!!!!???" yup I was right
"Look. I don't know okay, I woke up like 5 minutes ago. " I tell her

She gets up and runs to the bathroom. I assume she still has a hangover from the alcohol. I walk in and hold her hair back. She throws up in the toilet. "Lets take a bath together." I suggest. She gives me a glare.

"Look, weve already seen each other naked. so why not? Im not saying it's gonna be a dirty thing. But we were both at a bar and we had sex. We need to take a bath and I rather not raise our bill for water." i say.  She sighs.

" ....fine.... "


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(Word count:189

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