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Pretends she isn't scratched and isn't naked.

Lucy p.o.v)))

I walked into the bathroom with a smile.

After I used the rest I looked at it.

One line.

It's negative....

can I even get pregnant?

I want to be pregnant with natsu's baby...

I want to be a mommy.

I want natsu to be daddy.

I walk out with tears streaming down my face.

I really am disappointed.


" Yeah babe? "


He got up and hugged me instantly.

"I know how bad you want to be a mom. Im sorry."

" Its...okay... "

"Maybe we should go to the hospital and check to see if you can get pregnant?" He asks me

" Sure... "

He grabbed his phone and called the hospital to put up an appointment.

" girlfriend...Lucy heartfilia....natsu see if she can get pregnant...uh huh....yes....okay...that works. Bye." Is all I heard him say

The he hangs up and puts the phone down.

"Its tomorrow at 4:00. It should last for 30 minutes. "

I nod

He picks me up bridal style.

And wraps my arms around him.

And his around my waist.

I nuzzle my face into his chest. I fall into a black abyss called sleep.


Word count:215

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