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Mira p.o.v))))))

"Okay, my sister, lissanna, just ruined my nalu ship...would you like to know how?"

Every one, nodded slowly

" she just had sex with natsu. And Lucy caught them"

they were all quite.

We heard moaning it fueled my anger

Everyone has wide eyes when they heard that.

Then everyone's faces darkened.

I know how they feel.

"Okay, gajeel take your phone out. I want you to go up there and take 3 pictures of them, get your camera ready but don't go up yet"

He nodded.

"Wendy, cana, levy, erza and I will stay with lucy and comfort her. I want you guys to deal with natsu."

Everyone nodded

Erza walked in with lucy and levy.

Lucy was a crying mess.

Every ones anger raged even more.

"Okay, one more thing before you guys go. Today is Lucy's birthday still. And it was ruined. We are going to stay the night here and take care of her."

They smiled and said either "okay" "yes" or "k"

"Now go!"

( gajeel p.o.v)))))))

Her hurt bunny girl.

Im gonna help.

I walk up the stairs getting ready with my camera.

I open he door with all the guys behind me.

They all had m murderous looks on there faces.

I take 3 pictures.

They guys yelled a "HEYYY!!!!" Which got there attention .

They both blushed.

"Explain your selves.....now"

Neither of them said anything.

"alright fine. Ill just send these to sting. And say "I just caught natsu cheating on lucy. On Lucy's birthday..." .

" No! No...fine I'll tell you" lissanna said.

"Alright "

"See, I love natsu, and I went to tell him. But he was drunk. And without thinking i...took advantage of him." She says

" don't lie. Im not drunk. I was out buying Lucy a present for her birthday when Lis bumped into me. And told me that she loves me. I told her I was dating Lucy. She got mad and brought me back here. She knocked me out and brought me in here. I woke up to Lucy walking in here and running out crying!! I love Lucy. There is nothing lissanna could do to make me love her. And you suck at having sex!!! You moan like a dying horse. " natsu yells in defence

I recorded the whole conversation.

"Guess what?"

" What? "

"I just recorded what you said. Im gonna send it to sting and show it to Lucy"

" okay... "

"Lissanna..." A demonic voice says from behind me. They boys move to see. ...

A pissed off Mira and erza.

Word count:429

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