kiss me

501 14 3

Natsus brother zeref was coming over for a while!

I get to meet him!! Yay!

Natsu p.o.v))))))))))

Zeref was coming....yay. (Sarcasm is high)

He has a thing for lucy. I've sent him pics of her and stuff. He really wanted to meet her. (Jelousy is high now too..)

I got a text from zeref. It said, 'almost there'.

I scoff.

"hey luce?"

" yes? "

"Can i....kiss you?"


I smashed my lips into hers. I put my hands on her waist.

I love this feeling....I love her lips on mine.

I can't stand being jealous....

Her arms wrap around my neck.

She kisses back. She pulls away after a little bit.

We both are panting heavily.

And she was blushing a lot.

I chuckled at her face being red.

She looks at me for a split second.

Then turns away. She's so cute!

I hear a knock on the door. Lucy went to get it.


(Lucy's p.o.v)))))

I hear a knock.

I go to get the door, I turn the handle... To see a man in a black and gold, coat, thingy..?

He has black hair and a nice smile. "Hey im zeref! Natsus brother!" He says cheerfully .

"Hi, im lucy." I smile

After we eat dinner I change into my pajamas. I pay in my bed and fall asleep.

Later I was shooken away. "H-huh? Who is it? Why are you waking me up...?" " it's me zeref. " he whispers to me

"Why are you waking me up?" I ask.

Zeref smirks, and points to natsus face and gives me a marker.

I smile. I get up and draw whiskers, and the word "idiot" on his forehead, and a circle around his eye.

I smile at my work, take a picture. Send it to everyone,

and fall back asleep. With the marker on the floor. 

In the morning I wake up to a "WHATS IN MY FACE?!?!!??!?"

I try not to laugh. I fail.

Word count: 336

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