kill lissanna

437 13 5

Natsu p.o.v)))))

I was on the phone with sting.

He says my next mission is to kill lissanna.

I told Mira and Every one else they all agree.

Because of what she did to me, and lucy.

And so my plan was to tell lissanna that I love her and tell her that I actually loved having sex with her.

Then id kill her.

And honestly im kinda excited to kill her.

She made Lucy think that I loved lasagna.

I mean I like the food lasagna just not the person.

Cause she's gross!

She also made Lucy cry....And that is something I dont take lightly at all

I walk into my room.

since I was always in Lucy's room I never got to see mine.

Lucy decorated it, and she did a good job too! I love this!

Lucy decorated it, and she did a good job too! I love this!

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ucy's  room was cool too though...

I called lissanna

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I called lissanna....

"Hi natsu~" she answered....I literally hate this. She's so grooooossssss.....

"Hi lis~" I play along.

"Oh~ did you give up that blonde bitch, already~?"

Yeah right you wish! "Yeah~ your way hotter than that ugly bimbo, I want you~"

"That can be arranged~ want me to come over~?"

" Yeah...ugh~ baby im hard just thinking about you~! Hurry up will you~?! "

"Someones impatient I see~!"

" Yes. How hurry up!!! "

"Okay okay. Im on my way"

She hung up.

I put my phone on my night stand and go into Lucy's room.

She was writing.

I chuckle and kiss her neck.

She looks at me with at face that said 'I love you so much. '

so I kissed her passionately.

I break it, I say "lasanga is on her way. So stay in here. I'll come and get you when I need help with the body. "

"Kk" she smiles cutely at me

I smile at her

And I walk out as I hear a knock at the door

I open the door to reveal lissanna.

I want to barf at the sight of her.

I smirk at her.

I grab her hand and lead her to the basement and lock the door as I turn to lis and say "in case Lucy comes home."

She nods and smirks at me.

Them I lead her to the bed.

I take off her shirt and her pants

And then I kiss her.

I want to throw up so bad right now. poor mouth...

Then as she gets distracted by trying too take off my shirt I stab her.

I go back up stairs

I open Lucy's door and say "come 'ere babe"

She walks up to me

And I passionately kiss her lips

Then I say to her " can you help with the bed sheets and stuff? "

She giggles and says "sure babe!"

I smile at her

She's just too innocent.....sometimes....

I wrap her body in barbage bags and tie up the body with rope then I put cement to it.

I drive to the lake.

And push the body into it.

I come home, look in the basement and see that everything is cleaned.

I see Lucy on the couch.

I see that shes wearing a sweater and I smile.

"Are you cold?" I ask her she shakes her head

" No, im trying a new look! do you like it? "

I stare at her.

  "nah" I say

Her bangs cast a shadow over her eyes.

"Pfft!!! Im joking babe! Your so fun to mess with"

She blushes.

"Your too cute."


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Word count:585

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