
614 17 10

Stings p.o.v

"Sit lucy. "

She sits.

I sigh.

I start,

"lucy, our mother and father worked for a gang called 'love and lucky' they fell in love there. They were in constant danger. When mom found out she was pregnant with me, she stepped out of the gangs business with the fear that I could get hurt...and on top of that our mother was one of the most powerful wizards ever...she was one of the 10 wizard saints. She couldn't risk it. A few years later I was born. I knew about mom's past. I wanted her keys, but she said that I couldn't handle their power. "

Lucy's eyes widen. I guess she realized how powerful She must be if she can handle them and her big brother cant.

"I must admit....in quite jealous of you...you are one of the most powerful women in the world now." I add

She shakes her head. And smiles reassuring me.

"When you were born they didn't let you outside because of your magic abilities...and because mom had more power than you at the time. So some people were trying to capture her. They tried. They failed...and accidentally ended up, killing her. Dad was trying to help mom, but he died as well..you tried to hide and passed out, our of fear. Your body couldn't keep up with how fast your heart was beating so your brain knocked you out. I gave you to they Cheney's for awhile since you were in a Comma. While you were gone I cleaned the house, hired more maids, more security so you could be safe and sound in your new house."

Lucy hugged me.

"But since you seeked me out your body is at full capacity for your magic power....you'll be hunted down..so, since I can't be with you all the time. I ordered nasty to take care of you. He has more power that me as well. His power will match your perfectly. That's why I chose him....now lucy, go home. Your brain needs to understand what's happening..you'll need time. Natsu drive her car to your house, pack lightly then go to her house. You have the room next to hers."

Natsu nods.


Word count: 382. 

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