a week has passed and im just fine

407 10 3

Natsu p.o.v)))))))

I was sitting down on my couch watching teen titans.

The original.

Teen titans GO is stupid.

when Lucy's stomach started rumbling.

She woke up from her nap and she walked into the kitchen.

She grabbed nutella and got a spoon

As she stated eating out of the jar.

I raised my eye brow in amusement.

I chuckled at her

She looked at me and blushed in embarrassment as she said "what.....im hungry...." She says

I stand up and walk around her and stood behind her.

I wrapped my arms around her small waist.

When she said

"what if you got me pregnant?"

My eyes widen at her sudden question

"I mean im not. But, would you be happy is I was?"

I hugged her tighter

"I would be ecstatic! I love you more that anything in the whole world! And if we have a baby I'll love the baby too!!' I grin like the idiot I am.

She blushed like crazy.

She turned around in my arms with a spoon full of nutella.

She put it up to my lips and I opened my mouth

I heard her sweet giggle I smile as she puts on in my mouth.

I swallow after a second.

And then I kiss Lucy's lips.

" you know when I went to the store after we had sex a week ago? " I ask

"Yes? What about it?"

" Well. I got a pregnancy test... "

"Where is it?"

" on the bathroom counter in your box of pads"


She walked twords the bathroom and walked in.

After a minute she came out in tears. "


___ _____

Okay.  It's a cliff hanger. Sorry!!!!

Word count : 282

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