Samantha returns back to Mystic Falls to help her sister after her parents death. Unexpected, mysterious things started happening in the tiny town. Sudden death, bite marks, and people drained of blood appear. Sam's world has been a dull grey since...
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The thunder rumbles in the evening and the rain starts to pour down. The rain drops thud against the large windows, and I walk inside Damon's room. She's laying underneath the white covers, dark bags underneath her eyes and her entire body covered in sweat.
She takes in shallow breathes and I frown widely, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Hey, Rose," I greet with her kindness and her eyelids flutter open.
"Sam, here to say your goodbyes before I die?" she asks and my lips break apart with shock. I gulp and let out a tiny scoff.
"You're not dying, Rose," I state clearly and her eyes flash with disbelief. I reach out and squeeze her hand gently.
"Come on, vampires die all the time. This is just a slightly more peaceful way of going instead of a stake through the heart," Rose comments, her smile slowly fading away along with her life.
"I know. Has Damon visited you lately? I'm sure he cares," I try to reassure her and she lets out a tiny hum, raising her thin eyebrows.
"You know, Damon does actually care. He cares about you deeply," Rose comments, sweat running down her face and I nod my head.
"I know. He just has a funny way of showing it, but sometimes I can tell when he really does," I chuckle out and a smile spreads across her pale face.
"This may be hard to believe, but his feelings are real and authentic," she reassures me with a kind tone and I let out a deep sigh, my thoughts becoming all rumbled up in my mind.
"How can you tell, Rose?" I ask curiously and her eyes meet mine, sharing a meaningful gaze.
"It's the way that he looks at you, the way he talks to you, the way he protects you, and the way that he yearns for you. Hm, I think you should give him a chance," Rose jokes around and I smile warmly, my heart racing.
"Me too," I nod my head in agreement. Suddenly Rose's face twists into agony and she starts yelling out loudly. My eyes widen and I stand up from the bed, slowly backing away.
Damon enters the room with wide eyes and they meet mine. "Sam, you need to go now," he demands with a harsh tone and my stomach twists into uneasy knots. I glance at the stake hidden in his left hand and my breath shudders.
I exit the room and I place a hand over my chest, trying to catch my breath. I walk into the living room and grab onto the bottle of bourbon. I spin off the top and take a large swig, hoping to calm my nerves. I place the bottle back on the coffee table and walk down the hallway, spotting Damon sitting on the ground, his hands folded in his lap.
His shoulders are slumped down and his head is hanging low. He runs his hands over his face and his eyes stare straight ahead blankly.
"Damon," I call out with a soft voice, rushing over to him with concern.
"I know that you cared about Rose and I'm sorry," I whisper, sliding down the wall and sitting down next to him.
"I didn't. I'm not human, Sam and I never will be again. I'm not good, I've done horrible things. I've murdered people and taken away their choices. I'm a vampire! I don't care about other people," he protests, raising his voice.
"Well, I do believe in redemption, Damon Salvatore and I know you are worthy of it," I plead with him and he lets out a half chuckle full of disbelief. The warm tears fill his eyes and my chest pounds heavily.
"Not anymore," he shakes his head with denial, the tears streaming down his face.
"There's still so much good in you," I mutter out, hoping to comfort him with my words. He presses his lips together and shakes his head.
"You're wrong, Sam," he comments through gritted teeth, forcing himself onto his feet. He starts to walk down the hallway and I leap onto my feet, following him.
I wrap my arms around him from behind and he stops in his tracks, his whole body freezing. I rest my head against his back and he sucks in a sharp breath.
"I don't know why you don't let people see the good in you, but I know it's in there. I know it," I whisper, closing my eyes.