A year later

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A few years later...

Tris pov.

It's been a year since Natalie was born. She's 1 now and it's initiation time again! I roll over to find tobias holding Natalie. "Well hello my two favorite people in the world! And how are we today?" I say in my baby voice I then lean to kiss tobias and he says "Natalie was hungry so I made her some breakfast. We made you some too. We have to be at the net in 30minutes though so if I were you i'd hurry up."

I chose to be an initiate trainer when we got our jobs. Tobias and I will be working together with the transfers.

"And why did you not wake me up until now tobias? you know I take forever to get ready!" I say freakjng out. I hate to be late. "I already have your clothes laid out for today. Your knives and gun are waiting. Just go change and we can drop Natalie off at Christina's and head to the net." he tells me then kissed me between my eyebrows. "Dada." Natalie says and reaches for his face. "Yes baby girl I love you too." he says and kisses her like he did me. He's so good with her.

I get out of the bed and walk over to change my clothes. He's picked out a black tank top and my tight tight tight black knife pants and combat boots. I slip my clothes on and pull my hair into a small ponytail. It's almost time for another hair cut. It's longer now than when I had it cut but it looks good.

"Ready to go baby?" I say to Natalie and she puts her hands up and Tobias and I take her to Christina's.

"Hello my favorite baby in the entire world! and how are you!?" Christina says and Natalie jumps to her. "We will be back soon," I say with a laugh "you know how the first day is. Thankyou so much chris." "No problem. Have fun! don't forget to scare the living daylights out of those little shits!" she screams down the hall "little ears Christina!!" I yell back and Tobias and I walk to the net.

"So are we telling them weare together or-" I cut him off "let them figure it out. Oh and call me six." I say. He smiles and kisses my forehead. And then I hear the train and max voice.

"Here we go." I say and look at Tobias. I turn and hear a scream. It's a girl. A young girl. Long blinding brownish hair. She has blue eyes. "Whats your name?" I say not realizing how cold I sound. She looks at me "uh umm I-um" she studders. "New place new name. You choose quickly cause you can't change it after." Tobias says and I remember when he told me that. "I'm my name is Taylor." She says. She's from abnegation obviously. "Make the announcement six." Tobias says to me. "First jumper Taylor!" I yell and the dauntless begin to scream. "Welcome to dauntless." Tobias and I say together. The next jumper was an erudite jack ass, of course, his name was Tyler.

We have 9 transfer initiates.










"My name is four and this is six." Tobias begins "we will be your instructors for the next several weeks. You will go through three stages of initiation. Scores will be posted after every stage ends. If you are not in the top you will be asked to leave." "wait then where will we go!" asks madison "you become factionless." I say.

Everyone gasps. "That's not fair! you can't just do that!" Tyler says. I shoot a dirty look at him and walk to him and stare in his eyes. "You're afraid aren't you Tyler. You're afraid you won't make it. No it is not fair. But in sure an erudite doe not care about fairness now do they? would you have chosen differently if you had known? If so I suggest you leave now and spare your self the humility. You chose us. Now we choose you." And I walk away.

"If you will follow me please." Tobias says "I will show you the pit." "what is the pit?" I hear come from the crowd. That voice is soft. I know that voice. Taylor. "It's where you will be training and learning and fighting." I say to her. She looks away and walks over to Katy the girl from amity and says something. They remind me of Christina and I when I was an initiate.

We walk into the pit and I hear a bunch of gasps and woahs. I smile. "Now if you will follow me I will show you to the chasm." I say and they all follow. We arrive at the chasm and Tobias begins "the chasm reminds us there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy. One jump off of here and it will end your life. It's happened before it will happen again. You have been warned." I turn my head and think about al and when they tried to throw me off the chasm.

We show the initiates to their room and I say "this is where you will be staying for the next few weeks. Dinner is in an hour. Don't be late. Training is at 7 every morning. I suggest you not be late to that either." And we walk out and go to Christina's.

"You don't think I was too scary do you?" I ask worrying I was scary. "Now you were perfect. That Taylor girl reminds me of you. She kind of looks like you too." Tobias says. " Yeah and that Austin kid looks like you. He even sound a little like you." I say and laugh.

"It's funny you say that because I know him. He's my cousin. Only he doesn't know that I'm his cousin and we should keep it that way." I stand in shock. "Marcus and my uncle were a lot alike. Austin was 12 when I left abnegation so he probably doesn't remember me. Let's keep it that way. My uncle probably abused him too." Tobias says and we continue to Christina's. "Hey baby girl!" I yell "how was aunt Christina's. And she toddles and falls and then crawls to me. I pick her up and spin her around. Our little family is so perfect. "She was great. Is watch her though. She keeps chewin on things." Chris tells me. I nod and Tobias and I walk to our apartment. "So we are going to dinner tonight right?" I ask. He nods "and we are bringing Natalie." We change our clothes and head to the dining area with Natalie and sit down. As we sit some of the initiates sit down next to us. Taylor, Katy, austin, James and dillan to be exact. "So why do they call you four and six?" Katy asks. Candors though. "He only has four fears. I only have six. Therefore we are four and six." I say in response. Taylor looks at Tobias and asks "what faction are you from?" Tobias looks at her and says "what makes you think you can talk to me?" I giggle. "It must be because your so approachable. " Taylor responds. I finish with "yeah like a bed of nails" he smiles. "Where I'm from does not matter anymore. I'm dauntless now. Ranked first in my group so did she." and he points at me. "I know who she is." Taylor says. "That's tris prior. daughter of andrew and Natalie prior? you're a big deal."

My eyes go wide. How does she know so much. "Careful Taylor." I say and she looks back at her food. We both nod and take Natalie home and go to sleep.

Taylor pov.

I can't believe I'm actually in dauntless. This is crazy. And my instructors and the legendary six and four. "so tell me." I hear from behind me. "why is it that a stiff chooses to be dauntless rather than abnegation?" Tyler. I roll my eyes and continue to my bed when I'm stopped by him. "Oh come on stiff tell me. Or are you too selfless to argue" he says and laughs. I look him in the eyes and smack him in the face. "Ooh a feisty stiff? alright let's go" he says and swings and hits me in the jaw. Just then Austin runs in and yells "Hey get away from her!" then I see Tyler in the floor holding his stomach. Austin scoops me in his arms and runs me out of the room. We run down the hallway to some apartments. "Austin where are you taking me?" I say "I'm taking you to someone I know can keep you safe. You should know something about me." He says. And we stop in front of an apartment. Aoartment number 10. And he knocks.

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