Waking up

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Tris pov

I woke up next to him. A day ago I thought that could be something I would never do again. The thought of it hurts me. I roll into him and cling to him. It must have startled him because he jerks awake and his eyes open. "Well hello there nice to see you too." he says with a laugh.

I don't laugh back because it is nice to see him again. Something I thought I would do. he looks at me and raises an eyebrow "too soon?" he says. I give him a death glare. "Way to soon babe. way to soon." he holds me and kisses my forehead. "Can I see my children now. I did only spend two days with my new borns." He says I smile and my mom walks in with connor "yes you can see your kids. There's breakfast in the kitchen." I pull the blankets over my head in embarrassment realizing I am COMPLETELY naked. Tobias seems to be enjoying this though. He laughs at me as I do so "mom um." I try to say with out being too embarrassed. "Could you um let me get dressed?" she laughs and walks out. "That was not cool four." I say and scrunch my eyebrows. He raises his hands confused "what did I do!" he yelps. I grab a pillow and hit him with it. His eyes widen "you women have to show us how you manage to make pillows hurt." I get an idea. His eyes go wide and he jumps up "no no. Tris no!" he yells and I jump up and grab onto him holding the pillow "you wanna see how we make them hurt!" I say and laugh and repeatedly hit him.

"I give up I give up!" He yells and puts his hands up. I wipe my forehead and breathe deeply. "Just kidding!" he yells and flips me on the bed and pins my arms down. "Tobias eaton!" I yell and he kisses me hard. His grip loosens on my arms and I wrap my hands around his neck. He kisses my neck then collarbone.

Then again I realize. I am naked. I stop him. "Ugh. You have got to stop that." he says and puts his forehead in my neck. "I know. But we need to go see our kids." I sigh. I get up and walk to his dresser and put on his sweat pants and the sweater I wore when he helped me after being attacked. "Hey don't you own clothes?" he says while wrapping me in his arms. "Yeah." I start. "But yours smell better." I smile and he laughs pulling me into his embrace. "I love you." he mumbles against my forehead. And I trace the numbers one four and three on his back. He pulls away and raises an eyebrow. "One equals I. Four equals love. Three equals you." I say and peck his cheek. I leave him there to think and walk into the living room.

Connor and tristian are asleep and natalie is, of course, watching frozen. "Hey my babies." I say and smile. "Where daddy?" natalie says and crosses her arms. She really was broken when I told her daddy was gone. I'm glad she doesn't have to live without him. "Daddy's right here sweetheart." I hear tobias say as he walks in the living room. "Daddy!" natalie yells and runs to him. He lifts her in his arms and hugs her tightly. I see a tear escape his eye and I can't help but allow one to escape mine too. I quickly wipe it away. "Daddy's here baby and daddy won't leave you again. I promise." And he looks at me. Jeanine didn't just kill him. He broke him. He took him away from us.

One of my fears came true two days ago.

"Well hi there you two." my mom says. I smile as I see her. It's so nice to be able to know she will be here for my kids. My kids have grandparents. "Hey mom thanks for watching the kids. Did dad go help out in the cafeteria?" I ask.

I haven't seen him since we left to go... nevermind.

"Yes. He hadn't been in for a while so he decided he would go. So I came and made breakfast." she says and brings two plates with bacon and pancakes. tobias eyes go wide. "Your mom is amazing." he says to me and digs him to his plate. I laugh hysterically. "Mommy. Daddy make mess." natalie says and crosses her arms. "Daddy need time out." he stops eating and scowls at her. Natalie walks over takes his plate and puts it in the kitchen. Natalie raises a finger and points to the chair in the corner. "Daddy you go time out chair!"

Tobias looks at me and raises an eyebrow. I laugh and play along. "Corner daddy." I say and point. He rolls his eyes and smiles then goes and sits. "Can I bring a friend with me nat?" he asks. She nods and he picks up connor and walks to the chair.

He hasn't been able to see them much. It's nice to see him bond so well with his kids.

I walk to tristian a crib and pick her up. She opens her eyes and I notice they're a different color. "Hey mom." I begin. "Have you seen tristians eye color?" I ask. "Yes dear they're brown right? she was awake when I changed her diaper an hour ago?" mom says.

I curl my finger for her to come to me and she rushes over. Tobias stands up and walks over holding connor too.

"Her eyes are deep blue now. How do eyes change color? this isn't normal mom." i say worried.

My mom puts her hand over her mouth.

"Tris." she says with a worried look. "Your daughter is contritent."

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