Help me!

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Tris pov

I woke up in a strange white room. There's white walls everywhere. Am I in the infirmary? no. This isn't the infirmary. Then i remember. David. He kidnapped me last night. Tobias. I bet he's looking for me. What do they want with me!

"Oh good your awake miss prior." I hear David say. I move my arm to punch his jaw and realize I'm strapped to a simulation chair. Shit. "It's mrs eaton David. And what do you want with me!" I scream in frustration. My daughter. Tobias. God keep them safe. "Oh tris don't you remember our little meeting in the weapons lab? where I shot you? see it was supposed to kill you. But somehow it didn't. Can you explain it to me?" he says. I smile. "Four found me." I say with a sly smile "before I could bleed out too much and saved me. Now What do you want with me!" I scream. "I want to test my new serums on you tris dear. They've started the factions back. Everything's normal. Now we need serums for divergents. They think we've gotten rid of them all. But you and four are still left." He says.

Tobias is divergent? no. They said he wasn't. But what if that was a lie. Then I feel a pain in the back of my head and go black.

Tobias pov.

I got Zeke and uriah to show the initiates videos from last year. I got on the train and I'm headed to the fence. To tris. I know where she is. And I know what they want. They won't get it. But I'll get tris. I sit down by the side of the train and sink to my knees and pray. I've never done this before but I feel it appropriate. "God please keep her safe. Don't let me lose her. I know I don't deserve this but please don't let me lose her." I say and I cry. "Hey we're here for you" I hear from the other side of the car. I raise my head"GoD?" I say confused. "Hahaha!" I hear. "No it's Taylor and Austin four. You really think we were gonna let you go alone?" Taylor says. "Why aren't you with Zeke and Uriah?" I ask. "Because you need our help and you know it." Austin says. "Fine." I sigh "but you stay behind me and get my back okay. Don't get yourselves killed." they nod in unison. We get to a white building and jump off the train. We all land on our feet surprisingly. "She's in there." I say and point to the building. "Let's go get her." tay says and smiles. We run to the door and I open it gun in hand. No ones here. I walk down the hall and see a light. I walk toward it with tay and Austin guarding my back. I kick the door open and I see her. Tris. She's beaten black and blue. "Austin tay guard the door." I say. "Tobias" tris squeaks out. "Help me." "I'm here I'm not gonna let them hurt you anymore." I say and cut her out of the ropes tying her down. "Four!" I hear from the door. "It's Eric! help!" I hear tay yell. He's got Austin. I run out the door and shoot. I hit him in the leg and he lets Austin go. "You bitch!" Eric yells. "Maybe you should learn not to mess with an eaton. Or any family of an eaton." I say and shoot. Now he's done with. I go back and pick tris up and we run back to the train. "I can walk you know." she says. I smile. And put her down. We start running to jump on the train and I hear a gun and hear Taylor scream. David. "Four she's hit!" I hear Austin scream and he grabs her and pulls her good arm. He jumps on the train and pulls her in. I pull my gun and shoot at David hitting him in his arm. He screams and tris and I jump on the train.

We are safe for now

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