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So this is in fact my first ever fan fiction (surprisingly) and so it's most likely going to be pretty bad so enjoy the cringe.

The art for the cover is not my own just to put that out there as well. And to my friends who read my content, welcome to my mind :)!

I'm not all to crazy about a lot of prompts people do with cutting and suicidal thoughts, which I found is common in these types of fan fictions, so I'm not saying there will be but who knows. I will make sure to put warning at the top of each chapter that holds that kind of vulgar content so if you are sensitive to that kind of stuff, then skip over the chapter.

Length for each one will vary that's for sure, some may be longer, some may be a lot shorter, I usually tend to hit 5000 words per chapter on a regular book so I already know these will most likely be shorter.

💫 <— thag symbol will be added next to a chapters title, if the story line in that shot will proceed to effect future chapters, because although they are one shots, I do still like a story line so yeah!

If you have any prompts or ideas be sure to drop them in comments or you can private message me them, both work. I can tag you for the idea or you can chose to remain anonymous, whatever floats your boat.

Clearly as you know but I still feel the need to say this, none of the characters in this series are mine they are owned by marvel and I am simply just writing about them. Also none of the scenes here contribute to any actual marvel content.

There will probably end it being some endgame spoilers so I will also put warnings on top of those chapters if you haven't seen it, but then again why haven't you???

I don't know how often posts will be on this book, because I already have a big project that I've been working on for quite a while but yeah I hope you enjoy regardless.

Peace bros!

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