Thanksgiving the Right Way

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(Important Author's Note)

Hey there! Future Pebbles back here again, this is chapter two of four that I accidentally deleted a while ago that has now been re written so yeah, if you could give me a vote that would be nightly appreciated friends, thank you! Happy reading!


It was finally Thanksgiving and Mr. Stark had let both Peter and May stay the night so they wouldn't have to be alone on Thanksgiving. Peter was jolted awake however when he heard a loud crash, and with his enhanced hearing, he could tell it was coming from the kitchen.

Peter groggily got up and walked out of his room, still in his PJs with a bad case of bed head. He stumbled his way to the kitchen, where surprisingly enough he saw Bucky.

"Hello Mr. Bucky Sir." Peter said as he rubbed his eyes with a yawn, he looked at the time on the stove and saw it was currently 9 am.

"Hey kid." Bucky said as he picked up the pans that had crashed onto the floor.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked as he went and sat down at one of the island chairs.

"Well since today is Thanksgiving, I thought I would make some food to surprise everyone, especially since Stark usually just orders a bunch of food, I thought it would be nice if we had a homemade dinner for once." Bucky explained as he pulled a frozen turkey out of the freezer.

"Yeah that sounds really nice, is there anything I could help you with?" Peter asked as he looked at all the ingredients and recipe papers that were sprawled our across the counter.

"Yeah, there's a list of foods there, if you want to start making those things off the list that would be nice. But if you're making it don't forget to cross it off the list so we don't accidentally make it twice." Bucky said pointing at a sheet of paper.

"Yes sir!" Peter playfully saluted, earning a smile from Bucky.

Peter walked over to the list that Bucky mentioned and took a glance or two up and down the list. There were so many foods: Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, stuffing, eggnog, hot chocolate, rolls and a wide variety of casseroles.

"Wow thag sure is a lot of food." Peter said, his stomach grumbling.

"Yup, Steve and Tony are our on a mission with the rest of them, so if we work together, we could probably get it all made before they get back. And then we could have a nice dinner together." He said as he used a knife to cut open the turkey.

"Well I can start the mashed potatoes." Peter said standing up from his chair. "But first I'm gonna go change, eat, brush my teeth and all." Peter said.

"You do that kid." Bucky said waving him off. Peter went back to his room and changed into a pair of nice jeans, a white button up collared shirt with a soft red orange sweater on top. He next went to the bathroom to fix up his hair and brush his teeth. He then returned back to the kitchen and poured him self a large bowl of cereal.

As he ate he watched as Bucky effortlessly basted and stuffed the turkey. When he finished his cereal he cleaned up the bowl and put it into the dishwasher.

Now that he was all ready, he opened up the cupboard getting a large pot out and putting it onto the stove.

He searched around before finding a large bag full of potatoes. He took a seat next to the trashcan, the bag open at the foot of his chair. He started peeling each and every potato, and he couldn't help but notice the sheer amount of potatoes there were. But he peeled and peeled away as Bucky worked on perfecting his turkey.

Just then he saw May come into the kitchen, ready for the day.

"Oh, hey Aunt May!" Peter said setting the peeler and half peeled potato he was working on, onto the counter. He ran over and gave her a hug. "Happy Thanksgiving May." He said hugging her tight as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Happy thanksgiving to you too baby, and you as well Bucky, happy Thanksgiving." She pointed a finger at Bucky as she released Peter back to his potato peeling.

"Why thank you miss." He said kindly with a warm smile.

"What are you two up to?" She asked looking at all the ingredients and spices that lined each counter and table.

"We're making a nice dinner for the team before they get back from their mission. Wanna help?" Peter asked with bright eyes.

"Well I don't see why not." She said smiling.

"Great, there's a list over on the island of things we need to have made. I've got the turkey."

"And I've got the mashed potatoes."

"Guess I'll start on the casseroles then." May smiled going to get a dish.

Once Peter was done peeling he washed all the potatoes, cut them up and placed them in the pot, ready to be cooked. Bucky had finished working on the turkey, and he started making the ham. May was busy putting together a green bean casserole and things were going smoothly.

As time passed they were all finally done with all the food on the list, they cleaned up and started setting the table so if everyone were to arrive they would be ready.

When they were finished with all that, the three of them flopped down onto the couch, ready for a nap, but that was not an option, because just in the elevator door opened and the team stepped out. They all jumped up and went to them.

"Wow, look at all this, what's it for?" Mr. Stark asked looking at all the good steaming food, smelling each and every aroma in the air, he set his hand on Peter's head and eventually pulled him into a side hug.

"Well, it is Thanksgiving and this year I thought instead of ordering fast food like always, I thought that we could cook up a nice meal and do Thanksgiving the right way." Bucky said walking over to Steve.

Steve pulled him into a hug and gave him a peck on the lips. "You might as well just be the perfect house wife." Steve said with a smirk.

"Oh whatever Steve, it wasn't all me, May and Peter especially were a great help, I don't know if I could have done it without them." He said motioning towards the two of them.

"Well thank you so much guys, it smells amazing." Natasha said as they all walked over to the large table where all the food sat. Everyone took their seats and they were ready to say grace.

"Why don't you lead us in Grace Steve?" May said motioning towards the Captain. He nodded in response and they all stood up around the table taking each other hand in hand.

"Dear lord, we thank you for this blessed meal, we thank you for each opportunity at life that we are granted with each passing day, and most of all we thank you for the loved ones we have here today, and those who could sadly not join us. I ask of you to send your strength and protection to those who serve our country and risk their lives on a daily basis, and most importantly we thank you for keeping us safe on each mission we go on, blessing us with the power to save another life with each passing day. In Jesus Christ I pray, Amen."


"And we thank you for blessing us with this sweet American ass." Mr. Stark said breaking the silence, which only resulted in everyone bursting into fits of laughter.

"Well why don't we dive in?" Bucky asked as everyone gladly grabbed a plate to fill.


Boom! Thanksgiving special is actually on time, and I'm sorry if this one kind of sucks and it's a bit short, I did write it just today. I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving, I spent my time eating food and hiding in a different room than the rest of my family cause hehe anxiety.

I swear to you I have never had softer juicier turkey in my life! MMMMMMM

Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to vote, comment, follow me, and add this book to your readings lists! Happy Thanksgiving and I will see you guys back here next time, bye!


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