Shuri Doesn't Like Bullies| pt. 3

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"Peter, come out here!" Peter was sitting on his bed at the compound just scrolling through the articles he found on spider man when Mr. Stark called. He hopped up of the bed, pocketing his phone as he ran out of his room.

"Yeah Mr. Stark?" Peter said as he opened the door.

"You've got a special visitor." He said with something hinting in his voice.

"Really who is it?" Just as he turned around he noticed that standing near the couch was both T'Challa and Shuri.


"Peter!" The pair both ran to each other, encasing their friend in a big hug.

"Man it's been so long, how are you? How's school?" Shuri asked letting go as the pair went back to go sit on the couch.

"I'm good, I'm good, and school's been alright." Peter said feigning a smile as he peeked a look at Mr. Stark who had a hidden look on his face of obviously knowing other wise, granted both him, Cap and the. Rest of the Avengers all found out that he was getting bulled, but the last thing he needed was Shuri on his case too because knowing her, being like a princess and all, and potentially able to get away with murder, his ultimate goal was not having her find out too.

"You sure? You seemed a little hesitant." She asked worried.

"Yeah, its going well, I'm just a tad bit stressed with the work load is all." Shuri nodded understandably. "So what bring you guys down here?" Peter asked confused as to why they were exactly all the way down in the USA.

"Oh right! So, mainly I just wanted to come visit you and MJ because you guys are like the best-."

"Wait you know MJ?" Peter asked confused.

"Yeah, remember that one time that I came to visit and you Ned and MJ were having a sleepover and me and MJ like disappeared for like an two hours, and all the sudden the light started flickering and everything seemed like it was haunted?" Shuri asked with a slight smirk on her face, Peter looked at her knowingly.

"Don't tell me that was you." Peter whined slowly bringing his hands up to his face in embarrassment as he looked in retrospect to how cowardly he was for being an unofficial, official Avenger and all.

"Yup." Shuri said as she tried to contain her laughs.

"So now what are you two like married or something now?" Peter asked jokingly.

"More like partners in crime, ready to end the world together." Shuri said triumphantly pumping a fist into the air.

"So what you meant to say was mine and Ned's biggest nightmare?" Peter asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ooo that too!" Shuri said with her face lighting up with excitement as Peter just face palmed at the stupidity as to why he gave her that idea.

"Wait but MJ won't be coming over anytime soon, unless you wanted me to invite her over." Peter went on going back to his question from before.

"Oh right, that's the best part! I almost forgot! So I got permission to go to school with you for the day, we won't be in America for long, only today and tomorrow and I wanted to be able to say hi to your friends and hang out with you guys for a day, so with a lot of begging I was granted permission to come with you tomorrow, for every hour." Shuri said lighting up with excitement as Peter's heart just dropped to the pit of his stomach.

Of course he loved when the princess was over to visit but going to school with him? So many things could go wrong, like what if she accidentally said something about spider man? Or if she went on too much about Peter's relations with the Avenger's? And, oh god, what if she were to find out about Flash?

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