The Avengers Camping Trip

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You like my model that I made in Snapchat for their seating arrangement? 😂 it's pretty great.






"Back up bag?"

"Tony, don't bother calling it your backup bag, we all know it's a diaper bag." Clint says. Thor, Cap, Clint, Natasha, Scott, Wanda, Vision, and Peter were all currently standing in a line shoulder to shoulder with hard hats on prepping for their trip.

"Look just because I care for Peter does not mean it's a diaper bag, it's only the, backup bag." Mr. Stark said as he loaded the things they would need into the car.

"Y-Yeah, and are these helmets really necessary?" Peter said as he lifted the oversized helmet up from covering his face.

"Yes they are Peter, I am not risking you guys getting hurt." Mr. Stark said as he came over placing his hands on both sides of Peter's face then kissing his forehead. "Now Avengers, lets roll out!" He yelled as they all began loading into the van.

Mr. Stark drove with Cap shot gun. Behind Mr. Stark was Wanda and next to Wanda was Vision. Behind Wanda was Clint and next to him was Natasha. Then finally in the back three seats was Thor behind Wanda, Peter in the middle and Scott next to him.

The three in the back were arguing for space while Natasha and Clint were playing... well arguing over Uno, and Wanda and Vision were just being all lovey-dovey. Mr. Stark loaded up the directions on the GPS and then they were on their way. After a long week of fighting crime all who could come decided it would be nice if they spent the weekend going camping.

They were going to get a cabin but after Cap argued that, that wasn't "real camping" they bought a large tent.

"Mr. Stark can you tell Thor to move over!" Peter yelled from the back seat of the car.

"It isn't my fault your vehicle is small!" Mr. Stark just rolled his eyes as he pushed up his sunglasses.


"I need to pee!" Peter yelled from the back seat as they continued to drive.

"Are we there yet?" Scott asked right after.

"If we were there yet we wouldn't be in this car! And ok sweety, we can make a pit stop. They re-routed to the nearest public restroom, once they got there everyone in-loaded the car. Everyone stretched after being stuck in a small car for the past hour not being able to move. Peter quickly scurried into one of the restrooms alongside Scott who was waiting next in line.

"Will you hurry up in there Peter?" Scott called as he knocked on the door.

"Hold on!" Peter called back. After a few minutes past, Peter came out and Scott rushed in shoving passed Peter.

Peter walked back as Mr. Stark and Steve were both having a casual conversation as Thor stood on top of the van with his hammer and Clint was being chased by Natasha.

"Oo! Tag I wanna join!" Peter said as he ran over. Natasha caught up to Clint and tagged him and Clint began to breathe heavily, placing his hands on his knees to take a break.

"Geez, guess I am getting a little too old for this." He looked at Peter who stared back at him challengingly. "Oh don't think for a second you're safe Spidey." He said as he ran after Peter.

"You'll never catch me grandpa!" Peter said clicking the activation button on the web shooters on his wrist, then he shot a web into the nearest tree and pulled himself up as he sat down on the branch.

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