Holy Crap its the Avengers!

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( yeah I'd watch the news if that's how it was 😂 )


"Bye Aunt May!" Peter called as he picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

"Bye sweetie. I love you see you Sunday." She called back.

Peter was currently on his way to The Avengers Compound, Mr. Stark wanted him to come stay the weekend for the first time and he was excited. It was Friday after school and other than being there for the internship or when Spider Man had come for the occasional mission then he wasn't there all too often. Staying the weekend was a huge deal for him.

He tightened the straps on his bag as he then decided to jog there. It felt nice having the wind rush against his face. He stopped by Mr. Dellmore's for a sandwich and some gummy worms when he was paying he got a text from Mr. Stark.

Hey kid, I'm not gonna be there when you get there, I'll be gone for about an hour. I'm sorry I'm just finishing up some last minute business.

He looked at it but didn't mind, I mean regardless he was going to be staying the weekend there with him.

Ok see you then! He replied.

He continued walking till he got there. He came in the front doors and greeted the nice lady at the front desk before heading to his room. Friday knew who he was so she had no problem letting him into the sleeping quarters.

He didn't really see anyone else there and it was awfully quiet for his liking because he had nothing better to focus on than the thumping of his own heart beat. He opened the door to his room and threw his backpack on the bed.

The walls were lined with various posters that Mr. Stark let him put up of things like star wars, a few avengers posters and even some spider man ones just because the ones he found made him look super cool. He unzipped his bag and decided it would be a good idea to hang up his clothes for the time being.

He opened the closet and it had nothing much really in it except a few lonesome hangers so he hung up the clothes he had, including the spider man suit he brought with him for patrol. The view outside was really nice, and thankfully Mr. Stark had made sure his window was large enough for him to get out of and surprisingly it even had a key card scan on the outside of it so he could get in, but no one else could.

He still had some homework however and decided since Mr. Stark wasn't going to be here for a while that he could knock it out early.

He had begun doing it when he noticed he hasn't really gotten a snack since he got home and he was starving. He already at the sandwich and candy on his way here but it really wasn't cutting it. He paused his homework session and went outside to the common room where he found a variety of things stacked away in the fridge and pantry.

He decided he'd grab some cereal because Mr. Stark had fruit loops, and Peter loved fruit loops. He poured himself a bowl and went to go sit down at the table. He plugged in his head phones and began scrolling around social media, finding all the videos taken of him as spider man, because he always loved to see everyone's opinion on the matter.

There were always hate comments and all saying he should be locked up but ninety five percent of the time the public, including some police stations had pretty nice and positive things to say. His favorites to find were the occasional twitter post from the people he saved and how they thanked him for saving them, those always warmed his heart. '

He was listening to the music and didn't even realize that there were footsteps coming from down the hallway. It was Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. They had just got done with some late day training and were coming for some water and a snack. Cap walked in first but almost immediately upon seeing him, he pulled himself and the others back around the corner.

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