The Spider Disease| pt. 3

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^in case you've never seen Tom being intimidating... uh... I'm intimidated.


Peter sat in class trying his best to ignore his twitching hand but it wasn't helping that by third hour he felt muscles in this right thigh start twitching as well. It was hard for him to focus of his work and what the teacher was saying and when he ended up forgetting about from passing from second to third hour, of course Flash came around to ruin the day, he was making fun of him, per usual, when he noticed his twitching hand.

He started making fun of him, saying how he was scared because he was 'shaking' so bad. But things were getting a little hard to focus. Peter heard his stomach growl and noticed he was a lot hungrier than he usually was, practically starving at this point, despite eating a goof full breakfast this morning. He looked up at the clock that ticked annoyingly on the wall, it was a pain because his body started feeling really achy after a while, heightening all his senses making him irritable and with a migraine. He was only forty five minutes through the class period and he just couldn't take it.

He raised his hand asking to go to the restroom, and when he was released, he headed straight to his locker instead. He quickly unlocked it reaching into the back where he always hid a box of granola bars in case he did get a little too hungry. He opened the box and pulled three of them out, shoving them into his pocket where he now rushed to the bathroom.

He pulled into a stall sitting down as he pulled the granola bars out, quickly opening one and devouring it in a matter of seconds, he nearly choked and realized he needed to slow down so, he did, chewing and swallowing before he opened up the next one which he ate much slower this time.

Once he was finished he felt a little bit better, but it was just enough to hold him off 'till lunch time. He exited the stall, dropping off the wrappers into the trash can before he started to head back to class. He flopped down into his chair checking the time again, only ten more minutes.

He tried his best to finish the worksheet he was given, thankfully he didn't have to turn it in by the end of the hour because he was only able to do four questions, and even those he didn't know if they were right. The bell finally rang and Peter was the first out of that classroom, despite the teachers protests as he explained the homework.

He rushed into the cafeteria and grabbed a tray. He loaded it up with pizza and all kinds of fruits and vegetables, as much as they would allow him to take really. He made his way to the back corner of the cafeteria, sitting down as he waited for Ned. Normally, Ned would arrive there first and wait for Peter considering his class was closer, but this time, that was not the case.

He started scarfing down his food, filling himself up to the brim, it was enough to pull him out of that starving range, but not exactly full, it just felt like he had a neutral stomach. He lied his head down into the table and sighed he just wanted to cover his eyes to try and stop this painful migraine but the noise of the cafeteria was not helping at all. He suddenly felt a hand place on his shoulder and he jumped up in a panic mode but realized it was only Ned.

"You alright Peter? You're a lot jumpier than usual, and you look a little pale." Ned said worried examining Peter's sickened look, sitting down with his tray of food right next to him.

"You know that spider disease we're learning about in science right now?" Peter asked as Ned slowly nodded, confused.

"I'm ninety eight percent sure I have it." Peter said as he coughed.

"What? How? Are you going to die? Peter you better not die on me!" Ned whisper yelled in a panic.

"Ned keep it down please."

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