Steve doesn't like bullies| pt. 1

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Peter was sitting in the common room eating breakfast on a Wednesday afternoon and Peter was somewhat dreading going to school. Basically all of yesterday he was showing flash up, academically and in gym class, now he's a little scared for the day ahead of him because one too many times flash told him that he was going to die.

There were other people flowing in and out of the common room grabbing coffee and food, but Peter was one of the only ones who stuck around, other than Mr. Stark who was already on his second cup of coffee.

Does he just like, live off this stuff? Peter thought to himself.

That was when Steve and Natasha came in. They both grabbed something to eat and came over to Peter.

"Hey Pete, me and Nat were gonna go to a charity event today and we were wondering if you'd like to come, I bet everyone would love an appearance from Spider man." Steve asked, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah sure, sounds fun. Where to?" Peter replied already excited.

"It's at a children's hospital, Nat and I could pick you up after school today to be a little more practical." Steve said.

"Yeah sure." Peter replied smiling. Steve nodded before patting his shoulder walking away with Nat following behind.

Peter checked the time and it was just about time to leave. He put the last few scoops of cereal into his mouth before he grabbed his backpack and headed out of the compound where he found Happy waiting for him in the car.

He rolled down the window and looked at Peter. "Let's go." Happy called. Peter picked up the pace and jogged over to the car where he hopped in the back.

On the way to school he was rambling about the fundraiser he was going to with Cap and Natasha and how excited he was and all the other usual things. Happy of course couldn't be bothered to listen all to much so he just slid the window between them up after five minutes of one sided conversation from Peter.

Peter though didn't mind because of how often he did it, and he did get the gist of what he wanted to say to him out so technically there was nothing more for Peter to talk about.

Peter stared out the window the whole time looking at the beautiful view of New York City. He could hear Happy in the front honking at other drivers and getting mad at how bad they were at driving and couldn't help but smile.

When they got to school Peter called out his goodbye to Happy before walking into the school where he met Ned at his locker.

"Hey dude, I got this super cool new Lego set and I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place after school to come build it with me?" Ned asked really excited.

"Sorry, I can't today, Natasha, Cap and I are all going to the children's hospital for a fundraiser after school, but maybe another time though.

"Oh ok, it's fine." That was when the bell rang, "See you at lunch Peter." Ned called out as Peter waved and smiled. He grabbed his books out of his locker and shut it. That was when Flash appeared next to his locker with two of his friends.

"Hey Penis." Flash said with a very grim tone of voice yet a smirk on his face. Peter began to get goosebumps. He knew he was going to get in trouble today but he didn't know it would be this early.

"Yeah flash." Peter said trying to sound confident.

"Wanna meet up after school?" Flash asked, Peter was taken back by the question, but knew it wasn't a good idea.

"N-no, I actually have to be somewhere after school."

"Wasn't a question. Behind the school by the dumpsters. Be there." Flash said with a serious tone before walking away with his friends smirking at him. That was when he realized how hard he was hugging his books to his chest. He relaxed and started walking to class.

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