Happy N-New Years!

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Peter casually sat on his bed, it was late and he was excited for the new year everyone was getting ready for a New Years party outside in the compound bur Peter just wanted to get away from the noise for a while. Mr. Stark had him showing up to this party as spider man do not even Peter himself could attend.

He bounced his feet forward and back as he had is mask in one hand and his phone, scrolling through the news in the other. Just then he heard a small knock on his door. He got up and placed his mask over his head as he opened the door popping his head out.

"Hey Underoos, you doin' ok? Cap said you went to take a breather." Mr. Stark said with a concerned look.

"Yeah, yeah, I just had to get away for a second I wasn't feelin' too good, but I'm fine now." Peter said as he opened the door a little more stepping into view with a soft nod.

"Ok, just came to check, and you don't have to come out if you're not comfortable I wanna make sure you're ok first." He said, the hustle and bustle of a party behind him.

"No, I'm ok, I'll be out in a few minutes though." Peter said as Mr. Stark gave a soft nod accompanied by a thin smile.

Peter curtly shut the door and went to grab his phone. This party seemed to be all the talk lately and honestly Peter wasn't feeling it.

New Years seemed to sneak up on him and he didn't even feel like... in a celebrating mood. It seemed to have just been like this all year, Thanksgiving barely felt like Thanksgiving, Christmas barely felt like Christmas and now, it's about to be the start of a whole new decade and he feels like it's just another day.

But Peter had plans of his own, he wanted to try and do something this year that he wasn't able to ever do before just to get him in the New Years spirit in a goofy way.

He shut his phone off and placed it in the pocket of his suit. He put on a brave face taking a deep breath as he opened the door, putting on a nice cheerful smile under his suit that lit up the masks eyes as he was greeted by a few people in cheers.

He walked over to the bar in which Natasha was running and he took a seat.

"Hey Auntie Nat." He greeted with a small wave.

"Hey kiddo, anything you want?" She asked with a smile.

"Just a lemonade please, and can you put it in one of the fancy cups for alcohol so people think spider man is older?" Peter asked sweetly as he waited. Natasha smiled and tapped the counter as she walked off to get his drink.

Peter waited as he watched everyone just living up the time. Specifically he saw Thor as he danced around with his glass which was seemingly smaller than usual. He was clearly drunk, whatever Natasha gave him must have been strong.

Just then she arrived back at his position with his drink.

"Here you go, a nice sweet and juicy lemonade." She said with a smile as Peter grabbed the glass and laughed.

"Thanks Nat." He said with a giggle.

"No problem kiddo." She replied. Peter was about to pull up his mask a bit for a sip before he was tapped on his shoulder. He removed his hand and turned around.

"Hi, spider man sir, is it ok if I ask you a few questions?" A lady with a suit asked as she held up a small recorder.

"Yeah, sure no problem." Peter said faking an accent.

Peter was curtly pulled away for a friendly questioning in a quiet corner as Thor stumbled back over to the bar in a drunken haze. He bounced around for a bit before he was pulled back into the crowd of dancing peoples.

Peter returned minutes later once he had finished the interview, it was simple and he came back thirsty. He found his glass and quickly took a large drink. He found the drink quite tasty and without thinking he downed the whole glass.

He went over and found Mr. Stark but felt a little dizzy. He stumbled up and when Mr. Stark saw him, he knew something was up.

"Peter, are you ok?" He asked as he gripped the giggling teen who nearly fell over.

"Y-Yeah," Peter looked up at a large TV where a ball drop in New York City was happening. "Hey! Happy N-New Year! Mr. Stark!" Peter said in a hiccup as Mr. Stark sat him down.

"What did you do?" Mr. Stark asked as he gripped the teens shoulders.

"N-Nothing, Auntie Nat gave me some lemonade though." Peter said as Mr. Stark sighed.

"Peter let's go." Mr. Stark said sternly as he grabbed Peter's wrist pulling him off the couch and through the crowd. They arrived at the counter and Mr. Stark sat Peter down who, mind you, was all over the place in giggling fits as he tried to run off and talk to people but Mr. Stark held his wrist preventing that.

"Natasha, what did you give peter?" He asked sternly as he pointed a finger at Peter who still had half his mask rolled up with a big goofy grin on his face with the happy spider eyes to match.

"Just lemonade nothing else, what happened?" She asked worried.

"Well he looks like he's had more than just lemonade, I-." Just then an awfully drunk Thor came over to the bar.

"Oh Natasha, you must get me another one of those special drinks you made, this one seemingly did nothing." Thor said as he sat down his glass onto the counter.

"Oh no." Natasha said as she brought her hands up to cup her face.

"What?" Mr. Stark asked as he held on tight to Peter who wouldn't stop trying to run away.

"I must have put Peter's lemonade in the same glass Thor's 'super drink' was in, and they must have switched the glasses." She said as she pulled the two glasses up together for comparison, and sure enough they were the exact same glass. "We need to get Peter some water because that drink was specifically designed by Bruce at Thor's request in order to get his really drunk fast with only a small drink." She said as she cupped Peter's face in her hands.

"Ok, you do that, I'm going to take him to his room." Mr. Stark said as Natasha nodded. He pulled Peter along and told him to come when they reached his room Mr. Stark sat Peter onto his bed as he waited for Natasha.

"W-Wait why do I have to- come in here, I was having F-Fun." Peter said in hiccups as he pulled off his mask.

"Because Peter you're drunk." He said flatly as Natasha entered to a pouting Peter.

"No fair." He mumbled crossing his arms with a childish pout as Natasha came and sat next to him.

"Here you go Peter, I'm going to need you to drink all of this ok?" She asked sweetly as she handed Peter a large bottle of water.

"Ok." He whined as he grabbed the open bottle.

He was drinking it and drinking it but soon enough, due to his metabolism, he started processing everything, but he got tired. Natasha and Mr. Stark left him to sleep, and let's just say, the next morning he woke up, still in his suit with the largest headache ever, so much that he couldn't even ask Friday to go into sensory overload mode, she took one glance at the now awake boy gripping his head and she quickly did it herself.



So I procrastinated all day and I tried to write this and post it on 12:00 exactly but that didn't work so I'm posting it like 20 minutes later. :) I'm going to go finish off my bottle of Sparkling grape juice while running around, annoying my parents while I pretend to be drunk but in reality, I'm just on a huge sugar high :)

But regardless I hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment, vote, follow and add this book to your readings lists! HAPPY NEW DECADE, and don't get too drunk M'Kay? Love you all and thank you so much for 8k almost 9k now! Bye!


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