Happy Birthday

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Mr. Stark was just sitting on his phone, bored out of his mind, all day from basically the moment Peter got home, he was avoiding him, and Mr. Stark didn't know why. Normally, if it were to be any other day, Peter would have put all his stuff away, then gone straight to Mr. Stark first thing, and he would have talked all about his day, but for some reason, he didn't do that today. Instead, today, he put all his stuff away, got a snack, then quickly rushed off saying he had to do homework. He found that odd because even if he did have homework, which most days he doesn't because he does it all in class, he still goes and talks to him, because it's never that much or it's really easy to do.

That's why Mr. Stark decided since he wasn't getting the attention he wanted from his kid, he was going to go find out why. He jumped up from off the couch and marched his way over to Peter's room where he quickly opened the door to hopefully catch his son by surprise which can prove to be hard considering he's enhanced but that's besides the point.

Just as he opened the door, Peter jumped up in a panic, latching onto the ceiling which the last time he did that was when Sam had scared the life out of Peter using fire crackers in the pitch black living room. But not only that, but Bucky and Loki were also there with him, Bucky was leaning back far in his chair and ended up falling out of it backwards to then be looking up at the man, and Loki had just flinched really hard from where he was sitting on Peter's bed.

Mr. Stark stared blankly into the room at the chaotic scene before him as Peter composed himself to a squat on the ceiling where he turned around to face him.

"O-Oh hey Mr. Stark, what's up?" Peter asked with a little cough as he moved his hair that was dangling in his face, out of it.

"Just came to check on you." Mr. Stark said slowly as he looked down to Bucky who had a Capri-Sun straw in his mouth while the pouch dangled over his eyes. "You doing alright there kid?" Mr. Stark asked dragging out his words.

"Yeah yeah, better then ever, and yourself?" Peter asked awkwardly.

"I'm good, I'm good. So, what are you three up to?" He asked leaning in the doorway, crossing his arms as he looked up to Peter skeptically.

"Oh you know, just a uh, research project, that I need their help on." Peter said, trying his best to sound as convincing as possible.


"World War Two." Peter said with a nod.

"So where do these two come into play?" He asked pointing between Loki and Bucky who still was laying on the floor, now sipping his Capri-Sun properly however.

"Uhm, Uncle Bucky was telling me about, well you know Hitler and Uncle Steve, and Mr. Loki was teaching me about the, tesseract?" Peter said drawing out the part about Loki and making it sound as if it were more of a question then an answer. Mr. Stark looked at them a moment before slowly nodding.

"Alright, uh, well, you have fun with that project there I guess." he said as he shut the door, going back to the common room.

"Phew." Peter said as he hopped down from the ceiling. "I don't think he suspected anything." Peter said as Bucky got up, readjusting his chair.

"Are you kidding me? He probably has cameras watching us now we were that suspicious." Loki said standing up from where he was on the bed.

"Well then what do we do?" Peter said looking up at Loki.

"Follow me, I have a plan." Loki said after a moment of thinking. Peter followed just behind Loki, Bucky coming after Peter. Loki opened up the door poking his head out and looking both directions before motioning for them to follow him. They tip toed through the halls before they came across a vent near the base of the wall. Loki tried to pry it off but when that didn't work, he used his magic to unscrew the screws. He crawled in the rather spacious vent then scooted over to the side and motioned for Peter to come in.

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