Prank Wars

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This is what Peter liked to call, survival of the fittest. Things were hot on the battlefield, well, more like the vents, and though a tight squeeze, it would all soon be worth it. Peter crawled along with the flooring of the vents trying to be as quiet as possible as he pushed a large container along with him. Clint had got him good when he had followed him around in the vents making noises to make him think the place was haunted, but now it was his turn.

He finally approached the next vent opening and immediately got a nervous yet excited feeling in his stomach. as he crawled right above the vent. He placed the bottle in front of him and then pressed his face against the vent as quietly as possible. He smiled and almost let out an excited squeal as he noticed that Clint was laying down on his bed in his room while scrolling on his cellphone. He quickly grabbed the bottle and quietly popped the cap off.

He tilted it a bit and let a drop of the fake blood pour out through the crack of the vent. He watched as it fell, dripping onto his right pant leg, he waited but Clint hadn't noticed, so he did another drop. It fell landing directly on the screen of his phone. Peter watched as Clint flinched a bit, mumbling a "What the?" Before touching it and pressing the thick red liquid between his fingers.

Peter let out two drops now which both landed on his hand and wrist. This time Peter saw Clint promptly look up to the ceiling where Peter hid. He hadn't seen him so Peter went big this time. He tipped the whole container over onto the vent and watched as the fake blood seeped through the cracks to where Clint was looking. A second later the flood had hit him. The entire bottle of fake blood dripping down from the ceiling on top of Clint causing him to promptly jump up from his bed screaming.

"Tony!! Tony!! There's blood coming from the ceiling!!" He yelled out as Peter could hear just how much his heart was beating. Peter was trying his absolute best to contain his laughter just as Mr. Stark, Steve, and Natasha came running into the room.

"Clint what's- oh my god what happened?!" Natasha started before she looked at the bloody scene before her. Clint covered in blood as it dropped from the ceiling vent covering his bed making it looked like someone had been murdered.

"I-I don't know! I felt a drop on my hand and then it just- it just started pouring from the ceiling and- wait what's that?" Clint asked with a hint of fear in his voice as the others looked to the vent which started to emit the sound of a child's laughter. "Oh god the place is haunted with demon children! Steve hold me!" Clint yelled as he ran into Steve's arms as he desperately tried to keep Clint's bloody body away from him.

"Get away from me, Tony- see what it is." Steve said with sternness in his voice as Mr. Stark looked to him like he was crazy.

"What? Me? Why me? I'm not doing it, if this compound is haunted, the ghosts can have it." Mr. Stark replied as Steve sighed stepping closer to the vent.

"If there's anyone there, show yourself!" Steve said sounding a bit scary with how stern he was. They waited a moment as Clint cowered behind Natasha who looked on edge and ready to fight while Mr. Stark just watched patiently awaiting what was to come.

Suddenly the vent was kicked down harshly onto the bed and everyone in the room flinched, Mr. Stark tapped his reactor and the suit emitted, but only encased his hand as he pointed the repulsor at the ceiling. The laughter had stopped and nothing was to be heard but the faint sound of Mr. Stark's repulsor charging up its power before it had leveled off into silence.

Then slowly, the back of a head came down from the head upside down from a web, and when his full body was showing, he turned around to reveal Peter who hung from a web with the biggest grin on his face.

Steve scoffed a moment and turned around pacing as he ran a hand through his hair as Peter jumped to the floor avoiding the bloody bed. Steve turned back around and promptly looked down at the boy placing his hands on his hips as he took a step forward, closer to the boy with "that" look on his face. Natasha smiled a bit and Mr. Stark lowered his hand, tapping for the hand of his suit to retreat back into his chest, but Clint looked angry.

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