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This story was brought to you by @Ally_Romanoff I hope you enjoy!


"Hey Fri!" Peter called as he entered the compound.

"Hello Peter, Boss is currently in his office, I'll send you there now." Friday replied as he stepped into the elevator. He was excited because Mr. Stark said he wanted to give him some news and he has never ran out of that school building faster.

He heard a ding as the elevator door opened and he stepped out walking to Mr. Stark's office. He knocked on the door before hearing, "Come in!" from the other side.

He opened the door with a smile on his face ready to greet his mentor but he was also met by another guy. He was taller, black hair, eighteen, and really muscular. Peter looked at him before looking back to his mentor.

"Who's this?" He asked coming over to shake his hand.

"Peter this is Carson, He is going to be my new intern." He said shaking Carson's hand.

"Hi I'm Peter." He added.

"So I've heard." His voice was deep and intimidating.

"Come take a seat kid." Mr. Stark said as he pointed to the chair in front of him, Peter reluctantly sat down. He wasn't as easy going as he usually was and he even took off his sun glasses. The air felt dense and his spider senses were nagging at him in the back of his brain.

"So, and I know this is going to make me sound bad but, I'm going to have to replace you." Mr. Stark said as he looked at Peter.

"W-What do you mean replace me?" Peter asked feeling completely taken back by this news.

"I've been talking with Carson here and although you are a good kid, I've found great. He's super human, like you but with abilities almost like Wanda's," He looked over at Carson who lightly raised his hand as yellow smog danced around his finger tips. "And I think he could do a better job as an Avenger being well, stronger and all. I'm really sorry kid but I'm going to need the suit, we are going to re-vamp it for him and train him to be the next Avenger to join our team." Mr. Stark stated without remorse as tears prickled the backs of Peter's eyes.

"Wait no Mr. Stark please don't do this, I-I mean I've been here working with you for a while now, I mean you can't just replace spider man, and... me." He said sadly.

"With spider witch we can." Mr. Stark said as he pulled up a hologram for the plans he had already made to ruin his suit. Peter felt so helpless. He was actually willing to replace him with some stranger he found off the street.

"I'm really sorry Peter but I'm going to need the suit now." Mr. Stark said breaking the silence. Peter just looked at him and he couldn't even form words for how hurt he was. All he did was take the suit out of his backpack and throw it onto the table before leaving the room, tears threatening to spill.

The moment he left the room a tear fell. He quickly wiped it away before walking to the common room. He sat down at the island table the just laid his head down to cry, a sob coming from his throat. They had been through thick and thin together and now this, he was really ready to replace him the moment he found someone better, the moment he no longer needed him.

He just sat and cried before Natasha, Sam, and Steve came into the room. Their laughter stopped when they saw him and immediately Natasha ran to his side.

"Hey hey, маленький паук what's wrong?" She asked rubbing the boys back as she looked up to Sam and Steve.

Peter cried for a moment before saying, "M-Mr. Stark is R-Replacing me."

"He's what?" Natasha asked angrily, not giving the other two even a chance to say anything.

"He's taking away the suit and replacing spider man too, H-He says this new guy Carson is B-Better than me." He cried. Natasha looked at him as if he was a puppy who had just been kicked, and to be honest, it seemed accurate- with the circumstances and all.

"There is no way I'm letting that happen." Before anyone even knew what was happening, Natasha had sprung to her feet, grabbing Peter's wrist dragging him and the other right down to that arrogant ass Stark's office.

They reached the door and she didn't even bother knocking, barging into the room with the force and bull, ignoring the look of panic that came from Mr. Stark's face. She dragged Peter who was trying to compose himself right up to his desk leaving Sam and Steve to follow right behind with the same amount of determination.

Mr. Stark and Carson were working on the prototype for his suit, when Natasha slammed her hands onto the desk, knocking the illusion tech out of place, killing the illusion.

"And just exactly do you think you are." she called looking at Mr. Stark.

"I'm sorry?" he asked looking at her perplexed.

"Replacing Peter and spider man with some random kid off the streets." She said pointing at Carson.

Peter made eye contact with Carson and he felt his spider senses begin to erupt in his spine again. He felt sick and couldn't bear to think of the situation anymore as he avert his eyes to the ground again. he was sniffling trying to wipe the endless stream of tears coming from his eyes.

"I just think he would be a better, stronger, and more effective asset to our team." Mr. Stark said trying to defend himself but his defense came in short as a ping came from Natasha's wrist, it was her watch. lit up.

"Oh yeah well try this," she swiped up and the information displayed itself as a hologram.

"For one he's lying his mane isn't Carson it's Adalhelm Blaze and he's a member of HYDRA." Everyone looked at Carson- well Adalhelm and was looking for some form of confirmation in his eyes. This they got, He looked at them, not even a flicker in his soul as a devilish smirk slowly began to appear on his face. Cap slowly tried to walk to him but Adal beat him to it.

He pulled a pocket knife from his pocket and lunged at Cap. Chaos broke loose as the iron man suit busted through the door and was forming around Mr. Stark's body. then a little birdie flew following the suit and red wind was ready with a mini turret pointed at him.

Cap grabbed him, and in a fruitless attempt to complete his mission, he tried to throw the knife at Peter. Natasha quickly grabbed him and swung him behind her, gripping him with one arm as she used the protection her wrist watch provided her to deflect the knife.

Cap used this opportunity to knock Adal off his feet, crashing on his back to the ground. Cap jumped onto him- straddling him- as he held his arms down.

"What do you want." Steve said venom lacing his words.

"Hail HYDRA." The last words that came from his mouth as he popped a false tooth out and crunched it between his teeth, swallowing. Cyanide.

"Damn it." Cap said hopping off of his now life less body.

Mr. Stark hopped out of his suit and around the table.

"Peter I am so sorry." he said as he pulled him into his arms.

"I-It's ok Mr. Stark." he said hugging his mentor.

"I promise you I will never try to replace you again." Mr. Stark said with shaky breath as he caressed the boy's head, planting a kiss on his for head.


Hi! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, Thank you once again @Ally_Romanoff For suggesting this chapter, and if any of you guys ever have suggestions for me I will gladly take them. :)

But don't forget to follow, vote, comment, and add to your reading list!

My brother currently has my phone so I am going to go actually do homework now *epic le gasp*

See you back here next time!


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