Field Trip pt. 1

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(Important Author's Note)

Hey there so you're probably wondering, hey why is this suddenly appearing here, this is an old chapter, unless you are new here, then hi, you don't have to read this and you can just start, but for my other readers, I accidentally deleted this chapter and three others, sooo I have to re-write and post them, thankfully 3 of those 4 chapters I printed out cause my mom forced me to, yay, but a vote would be greatly appreciated since it has none, ok bye!


"So class, we are nearing that time where we are going to be having our class field trip." The teacher announced as he tried to gather everyone's attention.

Peter's heart was racing he always loved field trips, being able to see new places and learn about them was always a favorite of his. And one of the best parts about them, was the surprise of getting to know where they were going.

"The school did a lot to make the happen for you guys, so you have to be very well behaved, and before I start rambling, we are going to be going to," Peter leaned forward in his chair awaiting the answer. "The Avenger's Compound!"

The class cheered, all excited talking about their favorite Avengers, but Peter's heart jumped to his throat as he dropped his head to his desk.

"Come on dude how can you not be excited?" Ned asked trying to cheer Peter up.

"For obvious reasons," Peter whispered. "What if everyone finds out? Peter asked worried.

"No one will find out ok, just try to relax and enjoy it." Ned said as Peter just nodded.

"Find out what?" A pair of hands slammed on Peter's desk making him flinch back up only to reveal Flash. "That you knowing the Avengers is a lie? We already know, might as well give up the act." Flash said smirking at Peter.

"Of course I know them, it's just because of the uh, Stark Internship though, I've just talked to them, a couple times." Peter explained nervously.

"Whatever you say Penis." Flash laughed as he sat back at his desk. The teacher handed out permission slips to everyone.

Once the bell rang Peter went to his locker and put his stuff away, took out his back pack and anything else he needed, which wasn't much and headed out front where Happy was waiting for him. Aunt May was on a business trip for a couple weeks so, Mr. Stark and the rest of the Avengers were taking care of him in the mean time.

Happy was confused why he wasn't talking his head off like usual but also didn't want to make him, so he just said nothing and started to drive to the compound.

Once they got there Peter thanked Happy for the ride and headed inside. He didn't pass anyone on his way so he just headed to his room. He flopped on his bed and fiddled with the permission slip in his hand, before shoving it in his pocket and going to get a snack.

he put some bread in the toaster and got the jam out and started making toast when Mr. Stark walked in with an empty coffee mug.

"Let me sign it." He casually said as he went to go fill his mug.

"What are you talking about Mr. Stark?" Peter asked trying to lie.

"Permission slip, hand it over." He said turning around, crossing his arms at the boy.

"How did you know?" Peter whined as he sat down.

"Well your teacher usually sends emails out every week or so, and one of them happened to be about this field trip of yours, plus It's my compound, you think I wouldn't notice if a bunch of teenagers and their teacher decided to take a stroll right on in here. I know bud, so hand it over." Mr. Stark explained as Peter pouted.

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