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(Important Author's Note)

Ok so this is three out of four chapter that I accidentally deleted and had to re-write cause I'm dumb so if you guys could show this some love and drop a vot that would be highly appreciated. Thanks!


Peter woke up to an alarm he had set on his phone the day previously. It was six am and Peter was ready. He shot out of bed before stopping for a moment, slowly he turned around to face his bed, then he looked down to his clothes.

"When did I get into pajamas? And when did I get into bed?" He asked himself while thinking for a moment. "Whatever." He shrugged as all his energy returned to him, and he ran out of the room. He ran down the hall and slid on the hard wood floor with his socks as he looked into the living room. The large tree stood, restored by the workers, as was the rest of the room as if there wasn't a fight in there to begin with.

Peter looked under the tree and saw there were a ton of presents all stacked up, more than he had ever seen before. His smile grew larger as he looked at how many there really were. He turned back around and ran into the very first room. He opened the door and ran in jumping on Mr. Stark's large bed where both him and Pepper were sleeping.

He started to jump on the bed like a little kid, waking the two up with an irritated groan.

"Wake up Mr. Stark, Pepper, it's Christmas!" He said bouncing on the bed as he spun in circles. Before the two could even respond, he had already jumped off the bed and was out of the room ready to go wake everyone else up the same way. Once he was finished he ran back out into the living room, now that he had done all that, he was thoroughly awake.

He went over to the Christmas tree and he sat down waiting for everyone to come out. He found a few gifts that were his and started to shake them, trying to guess what was inside. Just then he heard a voice off from in the corner of the room. His spider sense was tingling a bit but he just played it off as his nerves, seeing a person creepily there so early in the morning, but then again he was either not here this early in the morning or he just wasn't awake.

"Hey kid, come here." He said looking at Peter. He hesitantly got up, setting the present he was holding up to his ear back down. He calmly walked over to where the man was which was near the front desk, but since it was so early, no one had come in yet, he just assumed he needed help.

"Yes?" Peter asked lightly tilting his head.

"You're Stark's kid right?" The man asked. He was a lot taller and bulkier than Peter and had dark black hair and an accent, his hands were in his pockets and he was leaning against the counter and he noticed how his accent sounded a little like Wanda's.

"W-Well I'm not his kid, he's just looking after me while my Aunt is away for the holidays, I'm his uh, personal intern so we're just really close." Peter said nervously whilst fidgeting with his fingers.

"Well it seems like you're lucky, the man sure has a lot of money, I bet you're glad to get so many presents." The man asked with a sweet smile. Peter turned around and motioned towards everything under the tree.

"Yeah, I'm a little sad tho-." Peter was about to explain before his spidey sense erupted in the back of his head just as a hand with a cloth was placed over his mouth and nose, the man grabbing him from behind. Peter was going to fight back, but everything went black before he could.


Mr. Stark had finally gotten up after a few minutes of just laying there and he went out into the hall with Pepper, they were still in their pajamas and when they got into the hall, they saw the other Avengers were there as well, all rubbing their eyes as they sat around the tree, and on the couches. Pepper and Mr. Stark both sat down, Mr. Stark looked around the room and saw that Peter wasn't there.

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