Solace Brothers

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Peter was walking home from school one day, listening to his music, just enjoying his little walk as he strutted along to the beat of his music. He decided he was going to walk home that day, just simply because it was a nice day and all, and Peter was having a good day, and he might as well continue that with a nice walk to the compound.

He just walked enjoying the nice weather until he finally reached the compound. He walked inside the main doors and felt the nice rush of cool air conditioning hit his face as he took out his headphones, letting them dangle from the collar of his shirt. He greeted the lady at the front desk before scanning his security badge before continuing on.

He walked for a while before he came across the Avenger's personal lounge and overall living space, going down the hall 'till he got to his room. He put his backpack down and removed his shoes, placing them next to the door. Not knowing what exactly to do, he decided he was going to go pay a visit to Mr. Stark.

"Hey Friday, where's Mr. Stark currently?" Peter asked as he opened the door going out into the hallway.

"He is currently in his personal lab right now, would you like me to inform him that you are coming?" Friday asked in return.

"No thank you Friday, that's all right." Peter said as he began making his way there. He continued through the building before he finally reached the lab where, of course, he saw Mr. Stark there working with his head in some project. He entered the pass code to enter the lab and opened the door.

"Hey Mr. Stark!" Peter greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Pete, home already?" Mr. Stark asked not even looking up from his work.

"Yup, school ended a little while ago." Peter said as he walked his way over to the table where he was working and taking a seat.

"Huh, I must have been down here longer than I thought then." Mr. Stark said thinking to himself.

"Maybe you should take a-." Peter was about to finish before another voice suddenly came from the supply closet where Mr. Stark tried to, at least, keep all his tools.

"Hey Tony, I found that engine you were talking about." Peter looked over and saw a taller guy with light brown scruffy yet pulled together hair said. Him and Peter suddenly made eye contact.

"Oh yeah Pete, I forgot to mention, this is my newest intern, Harley, he just came in today, but he's gonna be helping out more around the compound." Mr. Stark said finally putting his tools down to introduce the two.

"Well it's nice to meet you Harley, my name's Peter." Peter said standing up to go shake his hand, Harley set the engine down on the table then wiped his hands on his jeans really quickly before shaking Peter's hand.

"Nice to meet you too Peter, you an intern here too?" Harley asked as the pair separated, going back to their respective seats with Mr. Stark in the middle.

"Yeah something like that." Peter said unsure. Harley have him a nod before going to handle the engine, Peter sat there a little awkwardly for a moment, watching as the two continued their work, lightly congregating with each other on their project. Peter was a little nervous and didn't want to disturb so he decided to leave.

"Hey Mr. Stark, I'm going to go to my room is that alright?" Peter asked standing up.

"Yeah, no that's fine, Harley and I were a little busy here anyways." Mr. Stark waved, not taking his nose out of his project.

Peter stood for a second before leaving, he was really hoping to get to talk and hang out with him after school like usual, but not with this new Harley kid around. He was wondering as to why the two were so close together even though Mr. Stark said he only came in today, he was even working with him on science tech stuff when Peter thought normal interns didn't often do that, let alone in Mr. Stark's personal lab with him.

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