Field Trip| pt. 2

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"Ok everyone we are now going to be headed to the Avengers training room." It had been around ten minutes and even though it was only the common room, everyone seemed to be really interested in it. Thankfully Peter had been able to sneak his homework without anyone seeing that his stuff was lying around the actual Avengers Compound.

Clara had guided them to where all the avengers worked out. there was a boxing ring, punching bags, one even with Thanos's face on it. That was Peter's doing. he even had a little mustache on and Peter edited the photo to make it look like he had crazed eyes.

The photo had been there for months, sure a little torn and tattered, but no one seemed to actually want to take it down. Matter-a-fact, that had seemed to be everyone favorite punching bag to use.

oddly enough, Peter saw some girl fawning over the indentions of someone's body in the bench press, something about "oh my gosh, these look like Thor's back muscles?" He really had no clue. again nothing here interested Peter, although throughout this time, he was thinking about the good times he had in these places.

There was one time when Natasha had been teaching him some of her moves so when he was out on the streets taking out bad guys he felt cooler, and it was a lot swifter. He was able to stop an extra seven robberies one night because of that, before Mr.Stark told him he had to come home.

Also the time that Peter and Cap fought in the ring, He wasn't taking it easy on him either, they were both giving it everything they got, no webs, no shields, no suits, and Peter actually won, it was a pretty long fight too, but in the end it was worth it, he got the gratification of saying he actually beat Cap.

After that they were both beat. They fought hard and regardless of who won they both enjoyed the experience. Peter silently smiled to himself as he placed a hand on the boxing ring's rope.

"Ok everyone, now we are going to head to see some of the suits." Everyone was excited for that, and honestly Peter was too, he never really goes their often, usually only when there is an immediate threat or he's going out on patrol. Those times though he was either in a rush or so excited to get out he would put the suit on then rush out. He never actually took the time to look at the suits.

When they got there, Clara had to scan a level ten pass to get in, it was one Peter could tell was lent to her though, it was somewhat like the guest passes his classmates got, they eventually expire.

when she scanned the pass, white lights flickered on and they entered a circular room. behind glass cases slots in the floors opened and the suits spiraled up, Peter could tell that was for show because whenever he had gone out they usually come up immediately and fast.

A wave of "oo's" and "ahh's" could be heard around the room. There were many different Iron Man suits, Cap's suit, Clint's, Natasha's, a couple others and to the far right, were his. His original Spider Man suit, and the Iron Spider. He took the time to examine them all, looking at all the detail work in them all, including how Cap's suit had a belt around his waste that tightened around his waste to accentuate his butt, Mr. Starks favorite upgrade.

"Hey Penis, look its your good pal Spider Man's suit." Peter turned around and Flash was pointing at his suit. He looked at Peter, who looked back at him sympathetically. Although Flash didn't know, nor anyone else in the room, well except for Ned, he still felt happy to know that was his suit, just they all didn't know it.

Everyone was having a good time, taking photos of the suits and discussing where they had seen the super heroes wear them. After another period of time, they were off to go meet the Avengers. Well, everyone else was.

When we entered the room everyone was so excited, on one end of a conference room table, stood Mr. Stark, Cap, Bruce, Thor, Clint, Vision, and Natasha. Mr. Stark waved at everyone and we all took a seat.

"Hello everyone, I'm guessing you all have a lot of questions to ask so go on." Mr. Stark was quick to get to the point, and almost immediately everyone's hands shot into the air. Mr. Stark pointed at a girl in the front, "Yes, you." he said.

"Is Spider Man here?" Everyone began to agree with her asking where he was, and Peter felt a pang of anxiety surge through him as he looked at his mentor who's gaze met his own.

"He is actually out taking care of some of his own personal business so he was not able to join us today." Mr. Stark was calm about his answer as he took his glasses off to reply. Peter began to relax again, until.

"Who is Spider Man?" Another kid decided to ask.

"Well that I obviously can't tell you, I mean he has chosen to keep his identity a secret for a reason." The kid slumped in his seat.

What was with everyone and wanting to know about Spider Man? What was next? What does Spider Man eat for breakfast?

"What does Spider Man eat for breakfast?"

Oh come on!

"Funny you should ask, Toast." Peter looked at Mr. Stark just smiled at Peter as he rolled his eyes.

question after question, they seemed to be endless, some were others about him, and other Avengers who weren't present at the time and about the ones there, and even though Peter knows a lot about them, granted he's around them most of the time, he still managed to learn some new things. Like the fact that Thor refused to eat the crust on his bread, saying it brings bad luck. Weird but interesting.

They had finished their business there and things went really well, to Peter's surprise. Him and his class were all waiting in the front lobby for about ten minutes as they handed in their passes and waited for them all to be cancelled and accounted for.

"Ok everyone, time to board the bus." The teacher called out before Peter saw Mr. Stark headed his way.

"Hi, I'm going to be taking Peter off your hands, I've already called the school and settled things." Mr. Stark said as he took off his glasses and placed a firm hand on Peter's shoulder.

Some of the kids who weren't already outside or on the bus stopped and listened to what was going on, and why Tony Stark was taking Peter, one of them being flash.

"I'm sorry I cant just give you one of my students you aren't his guardian sir I'm sorry." The teacher responded dumbfounded and confused.

"As of two weeks ago I am. His aunt is out on a business trip and she left me with temporary guardianship of Peter. I mean I can call her if you want proof." Mr. Stark said.

"No, no it's fine, sorry I just was worried, well have fun Peter." The teacher said as he again told people to get on the bus.

Peter felt a little embarrassed that some of his classmates saw that, worried they might think something is up, but then again he was glad he didn't have to go back.

He waved goodbye to Ned as he thanked Mr. Stark. He knew exactly what he wanted to do now, he walked down the corridor to where the rooms were and turned behind him to make sure all his classmates were gone and that no one was looking before slipping into the suits room.

The lights turned on and Friday needed no verification from Peter, all she asked was which suit he wanted to go out patrolling in.


Hola folks, here is part two, to the last chapter and the last part in Peter's field trip series.

Series? I don't know exactly what it was but all I know is that it is a two part chapter.

Little update on my life, um school starts this Thursday for me, it is currently 11:40 right now on Tuesday so about to go to bed and try and fix my sleeping schedule, I get tomorrow off and that's it. Last day of summer then I go back, kinda hate it, kinda don't but you know I'll survive... I have to.

Regardless I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you have any suggestions for me or ideas you want featured you can comment them anywhere, or private message me, I can tag you and if you want to remain anonymous that's cool too.

It would help me out a lot if you guys go and vote on this chapter, click the little star button and go follow me! love you all and see you back here next time. :)))

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