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"Boss is requesting all Avengers to meet at launch bay two is approximately seven minutes." It was Saturday and Peter was doing some homework in his room when Friday announced they had to meet at the launch bay. He knew this meant they had to urgently respond to a call.

Peter set down his pencil and ran out his room to the suit containment area. Friday let him in immediately and when he got there Cap and Mr. Starks suits were already gone. He strapped his clothes and put on his suit before throwing his clothes into the case his suit was originally in for them to be transported back to his room.

He ran down the hall as Karen and the suit powered up. He had gotten there in four minutes, and Cap and Mr. Stark were already there starting up the Quinjet. Only a few minutes passed and Wanda, Clint, and Natasha showed up then they took off.

"Where we headed?" Clint asked taking a seat.

"Ukraine, Police say a high tech science lab making weapons of mass destruction is supposed to be getting robbed in an hour by a group of enhanced individuals. We have note of eight possible targets but that's no guarantee." Cap replied as the jet took off.

"So what's the plan?" Natasha asked.

"We will all head into the facility search for the guys and try to diffuse the situation to the best of our ability till authorities show up. That may be a while and I doubt they are actually going to let that just happen so, Tony, Natasha and I will fight and try to detain them as all of our primary goals, Wanda, do your best to contain blasts and prevent them from firing, Clint keep look out and stay on the outskirts of the fight, make sure to cover our blind spots, and Peter, We don't want you getting to hurt, so try to web them up, work on detainment and be lookout as well, inform us if more bad guys come, or the police." Cap said all with his hands on his hips.

Everyone nodded at their roles, everyone prepared what they needed but Peter felt a little sad.

"Why do I have to stay on the outside?" He partially whined from behind his mask.

"Because, Tony and I don't want you getting hurt, this is a group of highly skilled enhanced individuals who have been on our radar for a while now, we have seen what they are capable of, and you have school so we don't need you all battered and beaten before your body can have enough time to heal itself.

"But it's the weekend." Peter complained.

"And if you get severely injured you'll need more than two days to heal up." Steve lectured.

"Ok." Peter gave in.

They had been flying for around a half hour before they arrived, The Quinjet can go pretty fast when needed. They his the jet about five miles away from the actual facility before taking a military jeep up to the actual site.

They spied around before they saw the bad guys pull up in a jeep and a large van.

"Guess they are early. We will wait for them to go in, wait a minute or two then enter." Cap said spying through a pair of binoculars.

"Friday access the lab's camera system." Mr. Stark said from inside his Iron Man suit.

"Access granted." The AI replied.

"Ok everyone, move in." Steve motioned and everyone followed, they didn't necessarily have a formation so they basically all strolled in the back door, where they had entered. Mr. Stark had guided them to the room they were in and tried his best to say where they were in the room, before they barged into the room where scientists were scrambling, and guns were then immediately pointed at them.

The avengers in return pointed they weapons at them before chaos broke out, one person fired at tony and the bullet ricocheted off his suit then they started to fight. They followed the plan to the best of their ability while the scientists tried their best to evacuate without getting shot, thankfully they all escaped.

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