The Spider Disease| pt. 1

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Peter felt a small bit of anxiety running through him as he sat in his science room's lecture hall. No it wasn't because of Flash or something he saw on the news, thankfully, but it was because of their current lesson.

His upcoming assignment was to write a research paper on a disease that was currently infecting spiders. The more and more Peter scrolled through the websites of his laptop the more he felt worried. Apparently this was a disease that usually causes a lot of problems within the spider population and it happened about ten years ago and there was an epidemic of thousands of spiders dying from it and it was currently resurfacing.

The disease however could not be transferred to humans, but it could be transferred from spider to spider. Often through a bite whenever two spiders fight. Peter thought of it like the zombie spider disease.

There were quite a few side effects to it however. Some science labs have extractions from the bite of spiders to do research on it. When a spider was first given the disease it was fine from about five hours to nine hours before it started showing symptoms.

It started off with the spider having a seizure which he learned was actually possible, then after they recovered from that, the spider would be stuck with an uncontrollable twitch in anywhere in the body really.

Then the spider would have a sporadic appetite increase then eat a lot, then immediately throw up, and continue to throw up, which he also learned was possible. Then after about a day the spider would begin to be very sleepy before falling into a deep sleep where they then died anywhere form ten minutes to ten hours later.

Peter scrolled through each page with shaking hands. What if I were to get this disease? He thought to himself. He wrote down everything he could find on this disease, He labelled the side effects in phases.

Phase one: Seizure.

Phase two: Uncontrollable twitching.

Phase three: sporadic appetite increase followed by vomiting.

Phase four: Extreme sleepiness.

Phase five: Death...

five phases and the spider would be killed in only two days. The disease would attach to the DNA of the spider effectively dissolving it and the residue from this would cause these things to happen within the spider.

His research continued out of that class as well, all the way to the end of the day as he read everything he could on it, and when the bell rang at the end out the day Peter was looking around at every corner and crevice he could making sure there were no spiders around.

He walked down the street and into the usual alley way he would go to, to change into his suit, and he felt like there could be a spider around any corner just waiting to bite him. He pulled his suit out of his backpack and lightly webbed his backpack to the concrete wall next to him leaving it half way open.

He took off all his clothes putting them into his backpack before he put on his suit. He pulled the webbing off his bag because he was definitely not leaving that here. He looked around at the sky as he tightened the straps on his bag so it wouldn't fall out, then he looked back down where he jumped letting out a yelp as he saw a spider seizing on the ground in front of him.

Nervously he clicked his web shooter activating his suit them webbed up the building. Peter was webbing around the city feeling his worries fly away in the wind being at such a safe place. He looked for crime and any from of illegal acts that people were engaging in but found none. He webbed to the top of a building where he sat down as he ate the sandwich he had bought previously.

"Hey Karen?" He asked with a mouthful of food.

"Yes Peter." She replied moments later.

"Can you tell me when anything comes up." He asked as he lied down on the edge of the building dangling one leg off the side swinging it in the wind. He lied comfortably as he used his back pack as a pillow.

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