A Super Halloween pt. 2

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"M-Mr. Stark am I allowed down yet?" Peter said at he was stuck hanging upside down from the ceiling in a bundle of fake webs.

"No, you keep getting stuck in them somehow, and it takes forever to get you out, so you're just going to be apart of the spider themed attraction. Plus you need to learn."Mr. Stark said looking up his master piece.

Peter sighed and just then the elevator opened up with a ding, and out stepped Ned.

"Oh my gosh Peter are you ok?" He said running up the spider.

"Yeah, d-do you think you could help me down though?" Peter asked sheepishly.

"What's up loser." MJ said coming out from behind Ned with a smirk on her face.

"Ha, ha." Peter said sarcastically.

"You know Pete, I like her." Mr. Stark said giving MJ a nod as he walked away back to the elevator. Peter just rolled his eyes, which wasn't exactly visible through the suit.

It was currently eight o'clock and everything was all set up, The avengers had stayed in their suits Ned and MJ had just come early to hang out. Ned had gotten a chair and began to pull Peter out of the webs.

"Peter, aren't you a spider?" MJ asked sitting down on the floor looking up at the two struggling.

"Kinda, why?" Peter asked puzzled.

"Oh, no reason." MJ said and just smiled to herself because of the irony of the situation.

"Almost- sorry." Ned said as Peter fell to the ground with a thump when being released.

"Ow.." Peter said rubbing his head as he slowly got up.

"How did you even get stuck up there to begin with?" Ned asked helping his friend.

"I don't want to talk about it." Peter said as he rubbed his head. "Hey what do you say we all go to my room?" Peter asked as MJ and Ned nodded. MJ stood up from off the floor and followed the two boys into the elevator.

They rode the elevator all the way to the top floor, Mr. Stark had made the elevator slower so it was scarier, he also added sound effects, creepy music, he made the lights flicker, and he also had Friday play illusions on the wall with a small hard to see projector so it made it look like there were ghosts and stuff coming at them from the walls.

When they finally reached the top floor they were shaking, happy to get out of that elevator. They walked into the common room where they saw Mr. Stark, Steve, Bucky and Sam all sitting on the couch watching and laughing at something on the TV. When they got closer they all realized it was footage from inside the elevator, and it was of them.

"Really Mr. Stark?" Peter whined.

"You becha Spidey!" Mr. Stark said pointing a finger gun at the three groaning teens as they moped their way to Peter's bedroom. When they entered MJ immediately jumped onto Peter's bed face first which Ned and Peter both laughed at. Peter took off his mask, and threw it onto his desk as he fixed his hair.

"Man, this rich boy bed is really nice." MJ said turning her head from inside the pillow.

"Yeah, when I moved here, I told Mr. Stark I didn't want anything too extravagant, and you know what he does? He gets me this giant room, large expensive desk, a whole new closet full of expensive clothes, and this giant huge comfy bed. Although I'm not complaining." He said as he sat down on the foot of the bed, MJ sitting up, with Ned coming and sitting in the middle.

They sat in silence for a moment before speaking up. "You know, if you ever need gift ideas for my birthday." Ned veered off shrugging.

"I want a bed too." MJ blatantly piped in. They all shared a laugh.

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