Mr. Stark Doesn't Like Bullies pt. 2

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"That doesn't just make it all ok Pete." Mr. Stark said "I'm going to go make a call." Mr. Stark said as he walked away. That was when he knew Flash was in trouble.


Peter still hadn't seen Mr. Stark since yesterday when he made his "phone call" and he was honestly really nervous. Now it was a whole new day and he had to come back to school. Visibly the bruises for the most part were gone thanks to his enhanced healing but most of the pain was still there sadly.

He arrived at his locker and was getting all his stuff out when Ned showed up.

"Hey Peter, you will not believe who is here, at our school, right now." Ned said animatedly bouncing with excitement.

"Who?" Peter asked interested.

"Iron man!" He said, his face glowing.

"What? No no no, he can't be, please tell me you're lying." Peter said nervously a million and one thoughts rushing through his mind all at once.

"Well of course not, and how did you not know, you hang out with him like all the time." Ned asked confused.

"Well, let's just say that some... events happened yesterday, and he knows and he was mad, ish, I think, I don't know- but my point is, bad and or embarrassing things might happen if he's here for what I think he is here for." peter stumbled over his words trying to verbalize his thoughts.

"Wait what events?" Ned asked.

"Well, you see, yesterday Flash and his friends may or may not have beat me up behind school and he knows and he wasn't all too happy about it." Peter exclaimed worry written all over his face.

"Shoot, well I'll speak at your funeral then, because if Tony Stark doesn't kill you, Flash will." Ned said as the bell rang.

Peter sighed. "Yeah, I'll see you at lunch, bye Ned." Peter said as Ned placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and nodded before walking off to class. Peter huffed as he locked up his locker, walking to his first hour class.

When he got there no one was sitting down getting ready for class, more like ready to leave class.

Peter walked up to MJ and asked. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Didn't you hear loser, Tony Stark is going to be speaking in an assembly today in this hour." Peter was now visibly scared. "Earth to Peter." MJ said looking at him weirdly.

"Y-Yeah sorry I was uh, just excited, didn't know what to say." Peter tried to lie.

"Sure.." MJ said dragging the word out as she retreated back to her book.

Just as the bell rang for the class period to start, there was the announcement bell.

"Everyone we will be meeting today in the cafeteria for an assembly, hosted by the one and only Tony Stark!" The announcer said happily as some cheered and got all excited, Peter wanted nothing more than to just be swallowed up by the floor.

The teacher escorted them as him and his class all walked over to the cafeteria, Peter on the other hand tried his best to trail as far back as possible. That's when he saw Flash. He glared at him and he was with the other two boys who beat him up yesterday, they were just smirking at his discomfort.

Peter averted his eyes to the floor a mix of butterflies in his stomach and the tingling sensation of his spider sense going haywire in the back of his mind causing his to start to feel sick.

He entered the cafeteria and of course the only spot available for them was in the front of the room, closest to the stage. Yippee.

He sat down in his seat and of course the one person who he didn't want to deal extra with today, sat down beside him, Flash.

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