Partners in Heroism

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This chapter was suggested by @Shadowecat99 I hope enjoy!


"Nice shot." Peter cried as he ripped another robots head off, he breathed in and out heavily. His sister, Peggy came swinging down next to him.

"Thanks bro." she says as she gave him a fist bump. They looked around the football stadium they were currently standing in, that was being terrorized by a bunch of alien robots. It had been nearly fifteen minutes and both Peter and Peggy were exhausted.

Back up was supposed to be on its way but I guess they were running a bit late because even after ten minutes the Avengers were still no where to be seen, and the robots were all dead now. They stood around for a moment when they heard the roar of engines in the distance and out from the quinjet, the Avengers.

Iron man was the first to land, dumping Hawkeye from his arms onto the ground, then followed was Captain America. Peter and Peggy were both internally freaking out that they were actually here, right now with the Avengers. The three of them looked around, then down at two spiderlings, their admiration practically beaming through their spider suits.

"Well I see you two had this all under control." Captain America stepped forward with his hands on his hips as he looked at the endless mounds of robot bodies all around the football field. "Hi, I'm Steve Rogers." Steve held his hand out as Peggy shook it, then Peter's hand. "I've heard a lot about you two, Spider man and Spider girl, you guys are really talented.

There was a moment of silence before Peggy looked at Peter and blurted, "Ha! I got to meet Captain America first!"

"No, you didn't, we met him at the same time." peter argued as the three Avengers eyed each other in regard as to what exactly was happening.

"Well he shook my hand first." Peggy shot back.

"Oh yeah, well I was born first." Peter retorted.

"What?! You can't pull the 'I'm OlDeR' card." Peggy said mocking his words.

"Yes I can, I mean I could also say I'm taller." Peter said crossing his arms.

Then iron man, finding amusement in their argument decided to chime in. "Well actually I'm taller." The pair looked at the man realizing that they were rambling.

"Well I'm even taller." Hawkeye said as he straightened his back out.

"We're the same height dumb ass." Iron man said looking at the man through the suit.

"No way, I've got to be like at least a quarter inch taller." he said arguing back. Both Peter and Peggy were smirking from under their suits, at how childish these grown men were acting.

"Are you?" Iron man said as he lifted himself off the ground a couple inches with the repulsors in his feet and hands.

"What no way that's cheating!" Hawkeye accused.

"Well might I add that I'm actually taller than all of you." The Captain chimed in as he pointed a finger at all of them.

"Oh whatever, just wait till Thor comes back, he'll knock you off your high horse real fast." Iron man said landing back down on the ground, a metallic thump following the impact.

"Well regardless of who's taller, even if it's me," The Captain muttered the last part, but it didn't take someone with enhanced hearing like Peter and Peggy to know what he said. "You two did a good job, we were hoping to catch you guys on the scene because we wanted to talk to you guys about maybe working alongside the Avengers." He said looking down at the two teens.

The pair could barely contain their excitement their words came out as a jumbled mess of 'Oh my gosh' and 'this can't actually be happening'

"So I'll take that as a yes?" Steve asked as he looked at the two of them. They paused their slur of excitement and looked at him before at the same time exclaiming.


"Great, how about we pick this conversation back up at the tower?" Cap said as Peter and Peggy were once again freaking out about getting to go to the Avengers tower. "Race ya." He said as he began taking off on foot. Peter and Peggy accepted the man's challenge as they both began to web off out of the stadium.

Hawkeye looked at iron man before he said "No, no way I'm losing to that man, mind giving me a lift?"

"You already know it." Hawkeye turned around and lifted his arms, as iron man then wrapped his arms around him and flew off.

When they all arrived at the tower, they were all out of breath. Iron man and Hawkeye both arrived first then shortly after peter and Peggy, and last but not least Steve. He was huffing out of breath and placed his hands on his knees.

"Ah yes sweet victory." iron man said as the nanotech of his suit began to retreat back into his core.

"Oh whatever I'm not as fast as I was back in the day." Steve said as he walked over to them.

"What was that tall guy? Sorry couldn't hear you down here." the billionaire said as he placed his hands in his pockets and they all walked into the tower.


Hey! Sorry this chapter is short and kinda sucks, I wasn't all to sure on what to do, so have them all just fooling around and having fun. Also for clarification, Peggy was a made up character that was supposed to be Peter's twin spider sister.

Can I just say right now, holy FREAKING crap! And also thank you all so so so so much for 1k reads? I mean I never thought I would ever get to that number. I was so pumped even when I hit 100 reads.

But regardless I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and as always don't forget to vote, comment, follow me, and add to your reading lists!

Also if you have any requests I am more than willing to write them for you, so make sure to drop them in the comments. I hope you all have a wonderful day!


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