The Spider Disease| pt. 2

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"Peter! Oh my god Peter!" Mr. Stark said jumping over the couch in a hurry. Steve looked over and Immediately shook Natasha who rubbed her eyes and groaned but when she saw Mr. Stark and Steve both running off to a mass on the floor she panicked.

Bruce hadn't stayed for the movie, he was too tired and just went to bed. Natasha looked over the couch and her eyes widened. Her first thought was Bruce. She jumped up and ran past them to where all the rooms were. She found Bruce's room and immediately ran in and started shaking him awake.

"What? What is it-."

"Peter's having a seizure." Bruce's eyes widened he shot up from his bed.

"What." He said concerned and in disbelief.

"In the kitchen, come on!" She said as she ran out of the room. Bruce took a second to process what was happening before he finally got up and ran out to the scene.

He looked at Peter seizing on the floor and everyone panicked around him. It took him a second to wake up but once he finally let it sink he, he immediately started to act.

"Natasha get me a pillow, and everyone move away from him." He said firmly as everyone stepped back worried. Natasha ran to get a pillow but when everyone stepped away, Steve noticed a piece of paper on the ground. He picked it up and stepped back away from everyone. He unfolded the paper and started reading what was on it.

As he was reading over it he noticed it was just research on some disease in spiders, the one Peter mentioned before. He continued to read everything that was on the paper before he came across a worrying section.

The section was titled 'phases of the spider disease'. phase one: seizure. The thought of it hit him like a train. He looked at Peter on the floor as Bruce placed the pillow under his head and turned him on his side. He looked at the poor boy in the midst of a seizure then back at the paper.

He knew Peter was spider man and basically was a spider in a way. What if the spider he mentioned earlier that bit him did give him this disease and now he's suffering the side effects? Cap thought to himself. He furrowed his eyebrows and read on. Uncontrollable twitching, appetite increase, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness then death!? It was really alarming considering as far as he knew, Peter hadn't really ever had a seizure before and now at the sudden mention of this disease and his worries when he was but by a spider, it set off a lot of alarms.

He slowly reached out and tapped Mr. Stark on the shoulder. He turned with worry filled eyes and looked at Steve who looked even more scared. He handed him over the paper which he started scanning.

"What if Peter was right?" Steve asked as he looked at Mr. Stark. Just then Peter finally stopped seizing and his eyes softly fluttered back open. Mr. Stark took one look at him and quickly handed the paper back to Steve as he knelt down softly helping Peter sit up as he placed a hand on his head with a scrunched up face.

Bruce stopped him from standing however. "Natasha, Rhodey, Sam, Wanda, Steve can you go get the med bay ready? Me and Tony are going to help him get there." They all nodded and started in a light jog down to the med bay.

"I'm going to get you some water, ok kiddo." Peter nodded as Bruce helped to hold him sitting up. Peter was still in a confused haze as Mr. Stark came back and he handed a glass of water in his hands which he helped him take small drinks of.

When he finished Bruce and Mr. Stark helped him to stand as they held his arms to help him walk.

When they arrived at the med bay the two let Peter sit on one of the medical beds where he was given some more water. The team sat waiting in the chairs as Mr. Stark and Bruce discussed what to do. Bruce was finally given the paper of Peter's notes and he remembered the tangent he went on about this spider bite he was genuinely concerned, walked over to Peter and set the paper down on the table.

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