Hide and Go Field Trip

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"I'm sorry Peter I can't give you authorization to go, You have to many unexcused absences, might I mention ditching? You ditch once you cant go, you on the other hand have ditched fourteen times over the course of one semester. If you weren't so smart I would have suspended you so be grateful."

It was finally that time of year and Peter's class was taking their yearly field trip, it's always fun and exciting and here he was in the principal's office being told he couldn't go.

"Please sir, I promise it wont happen again, please I really want to go to this, is there anything I can do?" Peter begged.

"School policy Peter, I can't let you go if you have even a skip record of one, and that's thirteen less times than you have." The principal said as he crossed his hands on his desk. "There's nothing I can do for you, I'm sorry." He stated.

"Fine." Peter huffed as he lousily picked up his backpack and headed to the door, before stopping short in the doorway. "Can I at least know where they're going?" Peter asked innocently.

"Nope." The principal stated shutting his laptop.

"Oh come on please?" He turned around and begged.

"Out of my office Parker." the principal said pointing at the door.

"Fine." Peter whined heading out. It was the end of the day so most all the kids were gone except a few lingering kids in clubs. He walked down the hall to his locker where he got out his homework and put all the unnecessary things away.

All the sudden his senses went off and a hand slammed beside his locker which startled him heavily as he jumped.

"Hey Penis, heard you couldn't go on the field trip with us, too bad you're such a horrible student." He said smirking at him. Peter sighed as he continued to bag his stuff.

"What does it matter to you anyways Flash?" Peter asked not in the best mood.

"Well I mean, since I'm allowed to go, I could tell you where we are going." Flash teased.

"Really?" Peter asked excitedly.

"Nope!" Flash said laughing as Peter sighed, "Later Loser!" Flash called before shoving Peter's head slightly which caused it to bang into the locker.

"Ow." He said to himself before rubbing it, Flash just walked away laughing.

Peter had Happy pick him up out front and they drove to the Compound. Happy noticed the kid wasn't in the best of moods, but did he care? No.

"Thanks Happy." Peter said as he dropped him off out front. He walked into the building and was greeted by the nice receptionist ladies. He walked through the halls before getting in the elevator.

"Hello Peter where to?" The AI said.

"Hey Friday, what's Mr. Stark doing right now?" Peter asked her.

"He's working in the lab currently, would you like me to alert him of your arrival?" She asked.

"No thanks, but do you think you could take me to him?" He asked.

"Sure thing Peter." She replied before the numbers in the elevator went up to floor three and the doors opened.

He walked into Mr. Stark and Peter's personal lab, well it wasn't exactly his but it was where he always worked. He saw Mr. Stark sitting at a table with his arm down a new design for and Iron Man suit as he wiggled his fingers.

"Hey kid, how was school." He asked looking up at him for a moment.

"Eh, same old same old." Peter replied setting his backpack down and taking a seat across the table from his mentor.

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